Rahul Anantharaman
Rahul Anantharaman
Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Energy Research
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Hydrogen production with CO2 capture
M Voldsund, K Jordal, R Anantharaman
International Journal of hydrogen energy 41 (9), 4969-4992, 2016
Comparison of Technologies for CO2 Capture from Cement Production—Part 2: Cost Analysis
SO Gardarsdottir, E De Lena, M Romano, S Roussanaly, M Voldsund, ...
Energies 12 (3), 542, 2019
Comparison of Technologies for CO2 Capture from Cement Production—Part 1: Technical Evaluation
M Voldsund, SO Gardarsdottir, E De Lena, JF Pérez-Calvo, A Jamali, ...
Energies 12 (3), 559, 2019
Low-temperature CO2 capture technologies–Applications and potential
D Berstad, R Anantharaman, P Nekså
International Journal of Refrigeration 36 (5), 1403-1416, 2013
A techno-economic case study of CO2 capture, transport and storage chain from a cement plant in Norway
J Jakobsen, S Roussanaly, R Anantharaman
Journal of cleaner production 144, 523-539, 2017
Membrane properties required for post-combustion CO2 capture at coal-fired power plants
S Roussanaly, R Anantharaman, K Lindqvist, H Zhai, E Rubin
Journal of membrane science 511, 250-264, 2016
Low-temperature CO2 removal from natural gas
D Berstad, P Nekså, R Anantharaman
Energy Procedia 26, 41-48, 2012
Techno-economic assessment of optimised vacuum swing adsorption for post-combustion CO2 capture from steam-methane reformer flue gas
SG Subraveti, S Roussanaly, R Anantharaman, L Riboldi, A Rajendran
Separation and Purification Technology 256, 117832, 2021
Design and off-design analyses of a pre-combustion CO2 capture process in a natural gas combined cycle power plant
LO Nord, R Anantharaman, O Bolland
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 3 (4), 385-392, 2009
Techno-economic analysis of MEA CO2 capture from a cement kiln–impact of steam supply scenario
S Roussanaly, C Fu, M Voldsund, R Anantharaman, M Spinelli, ...
Energy Procedia 114, 6229-6239, 2017
CO2 capture from waste-to-energy plants: Techno-economic assessment of novel integration concepts of calcium looping technology
M Haaf, R Anantharaman, S Roussanaly, J Ströhle, B Epple
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 162, 104973, 2020
Post-combustion CO2 capture from a natural gas combined cycle by CaO/CaCO3 looping
D Berstad, R Anantharaman, K Jordal
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 11, 25-33, 2012
Thermal efficiency of coal-fired power plants: From theoretical to practical assessments
C Fu, R Anantharaman, K Jordal, T Gundersen
Energy conversion and management 105, 530-544, 2015
Application of advanced technologies for CO2 capture from industrial sources
MC Romano, R Anantharaman, A Arasto, DC Ozcan, H Ahn, JW Dijkstra, ...
Energy Procedia 37, 7176-7185, 2013
Offshore power generation with carbon capture and storage to decarbonise mainland electricity and offshore oil and gas installations: A techno-economic analysis
S Roussanaly, A Aasen, R Anantharaman, B Danielsen, J Jakobsen, ...
Applied Energy 233, 478-494, 2019
Energy Level Composite Curves—a new graphical methodology for the integration of energy intensive processes
R Anantharaman, OS Abbas, T Gundersen
Applied Thermal Engineering 26 (13), 1378-1384, 2006
Integration aspects of reactive absorption for post-combustion CO2 capture from NGCC (natural gas combined cycle) power plants
K Lindqvist, K Jordal, G Haugen, KA Hoff, R Anantharaman
Energy 78, 758-767, 2014
Cost-optimal CO2 capture ratio for membrane-based capture from different CO2 sources
S Roussanaly, R Anantharaman
Chemical Engineering Journal 327, 618-628, 2017
Design-point and part-load considerations for natural gas combined cycle plants with post combustion capture
K Jordal, PAM Ystad, R Anantharaman, A Chikukwa, O Bolland
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 11, 271-282, 2012
On the cost competitiveness of blue and green hydrogen
F Ueckerdt, PC Verpoort, R Anantharaman, C Bauer, F Beck, T Longden, ...
Joule 8 (1), 104-128, 2024
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Articles 1–20