Timothy D. Scheibe
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Cited by
Multiphysics simulations: Challenges and opportunities
DE Keyes, LC McInnes, C Woodward, W Gropp, E Myra, M Pernice, J Bell, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 27 (1 …, 2013
Processes in microbial transport in the natural subsurface
TR Ginn, BD Wood, KE Nelson, TD Scheibe, EM Murphy, TP Clement
Advances in Water Resources 25 (8-12), 1017-1042, 2002
Simulations of reactive transport and precipitation with smoothed particle hydrodynamics
AM Tartakovsky, P Meakin, TD Scheibe, RME West
Journal of Computational Physics 222 (2), 654-672, 2007
Apparent decreases in colloid deposition rate coefficients with distance of transport under unfavorable deposition conditions: A general phenomenon
X Li, TD Scheibe, WP Johnson
Environmental Science & Technology 38 (21), 5616-5625, 2004
Mixing‐induced precipitation: Experimental study and multiscale numerical analysis
AM Tartakovsky, G Redden, PC Lichtner, TD Scheibe, P Meakin
Water Resources Research 44 (6), 2008
A smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for reactive transport and mineral precipitation in porous and fractured porous media
AM Tartakovsky, P Meakin, TD Scheibe, BD Wood
Water resources research 43 (5), 2007
On breakdown of macroscopic models of mixing-controlled heterogeneous reactions in porous media
I Battiato, DM Tartakovsky, AM Tartakovsky, T Scheibe
Advances in water resources 32 (11), 1664-1673, 2009
Intercomparison of 3D pore-scale flow and solute transport simulation methods
X Yang, Y Mehmani, WA Perkins, A Pasquali, M Schönherr, K Kim, ...
Advances in water resources 95, 176-189, 2016
Hybrid models of reactive transport in porous and fractured media
I Battiato, DM Tartakovsky, AM Tartakovsky, TD Scheibe
Advances in Water Resources 34 (9), 1140-1150, 2011
Scaling of flow and transport behavior in heterogeneous groundwater systems
T Scheibe, S Yabusaki
Advances in Water Resources 22 (3), 223-238, 1998
Effects of incomplete mixing on multicomponent reactive transport
AM Tartakovsky, GD Tartakovsky, TD Scheibe
Advances in Water Resources 32 (11), 1674-1679, 2009
Hybrid simulations of reaction-diffusion systems in porous media
AM Tartakovsky, DM Tartakovsky, TD Scheibe, P Meakin
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (6), 2799-2816, 2008
Coupling a genome‐scale metabolic model with a reactive transport model to describe in situ uranium bioremediation
TD Scheibe, R Mahadevan, Y Fang, S Garg, PE Long, DR Lovley
Microbial biotechnology 2 (2), 274-286, 2009
Extended tailing of bacteria following breakthrough at the Narrow Channel Focus Area, Oyster, Virginia
P Zhang, WP Johnson, TD Scheibe, KH Choi, FC Dobbs, BJ Mailloux
Water Resources Research 37 (11), 2687-2698, 2001
Pore‐scale and multiscale numerical simulation of flow and transport in a laboratory‐scale column
TD Scheibe, WA Perkins, MC Richmond, MI McKinley, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (2), 1023-1035, 2015
Use of sedimentological information for geometric simulation of natural porous media structure
TD Scheibe, DL Freyberg
Water Resources Research 31 (12), 3259-3270, 1995
Preliminary observations on bacterial transport in a coastal plain aquifer
MF DeFlaun, CJ Murray, W Holben, T Scheibe, A Mills, T Ginn, T Griffin, ...
FEMS Microbiology Reviews 20 (3-4), 473-487, 1997
An analysis platform for multiscale hydrogeologic modeling with emphasis on hybrid multiscale methods
TD Scheibe, EM Murphy, X Chen, AK Rice, KC Carroll, BJ Palmer, ...
Groundwater 53 (1), 38-56, 2015
Relative dominance of physical versus chemical effects on the transport of adhesion-deficient bacteria in intact cores from South Oyster, Virginia
H Dong, TC Onstott, MF DeFlaun, ME Fuller, TD Scheibe, SH Streger, ...
Environmental science & technology 36 (5), 891-900, 2002
Transport and biogeochemical reaction of metals in a physically and chemically heterogeneous aquifer
TD Scheibe, Y Fang, CJ Murray, EE Roden, J Chen, YJ Chien, SC Brooks, ...
Geosphere 2 (4), 220-235, 2006
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Articles 1–20