Annik Charnallet
Annik Charnallet
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Cited by
Dissociation between recall and recognition memory performance in an amnesic patient with hippocampal damage following carbon monoxide poisoning
C Bastin, MV Linden, A Charnallet, C Denby, D Montaldi, N Roberts, ...
Neurocase 10 (4), 330-344, 2004
La batterie d’évaluation des connaissances sémantiques du GRECO (BECS-GRECO): validation et données normatives
C Merck, A Charnallet, S Auriacombe, S Belliard, V Hahn-Barma, ...
Revue de neuropsychologie, 235-255, 2011
Functional MRI assessment of the hemispheric predominance for language in epileptic patients using a simple rhyme detection task
M Baciu, P Kahane, L Minotti, A Charnallet, D David, JFL Bas, ...
Epileptic Disorders 3 (3), 117-124, 2001
Are semantic errors actually semantic?: evidence from Alzheimer's disease
O Moreaud, D David, A Charnallet, J Pellat
Brain and language 77 (2), 176-186, 2001
Apathy and executive dysfunction in Alzheimer disease
F Esposito, L Rochat, ACJ Van der Linden, F Lekeu, A Quittre, ...
Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders 24 (2), 131-137, 2010
Identification without manipulation: A study of the relations between object use and semantic memory
O Moreaud, A Charnallet, J Pellat
Neuropsychologia 36 (12), 1295-1301, 1998
One or several semantic system (s)? Maybe none: evidence from a case study of modality and category-specific “semantic” impairment
S Carbonnel, A Charnallet, D David, J Pellat
Cortex 33 (3), 391-417, 1997
Apathy in aging: Are lack of interest and lack of initiative dissociable?
F Esposito, L Rochat, ACJ Van der Linden, F Lekeu, A Charnallet, ...
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 58 (1), 43-50, 2014
Démence sémantique: réflexions d’un groupe de travail pour des critères de diagnostic en français et la constitution d’une cohorte de patients
O Moreaud, S Belliard, J Snowden, S Auriacombe, S Basaglia-Pappas, ...
Revue neurologique 164 (4), 343-353, 2008
European pentoxifylline multi-infarct dementia study
K Oizumi, P Baumann, P Siira, H Vanharanta, VV Myllylä, MJ Chiu, ...
European Neurology 36 (5), 315-321, 1996
Les aphasies progressives primaires: aspects cliniques
D David, O Moreaud, A Charnallet
Psychologie & NeuroPsychiatrie du vieillissement 4 (3), 189-200, 2006
Déficit de la production et de l'apprentissage des noms propres après lésion ischémique tubéro-thalamique gauche
O Moreaud, J Pellat, A Charnallet, S Carbonnel, T Brennen
Revue neurologique (Paris) 151 (2), 93-99, 1995
Spatial deficits in an amnesic patient with hippocampal damage: questioning the multiple trace theory
A Gomez, S Rousset, A Charnallet
Hippocampus 22 (6), 1313-1324, 2012
Organisation des connaissances sémantiques: des modèles classiques aux modèles non abstractifs
S Carbonnel, A Charnallet, O Moreaud
Revue de neuropsychologie, 22-30, 2010
Evaluation des agnosies visuelles
A Charnallet, S Carbonnel
Vision: aspects perceptifs et cognitifs. Marseille: Solal, 279-301, 1998
Semantic dementia: reflexions of a French working group for diagnostic criteria and constitution of a patient cohort
O Moreaud, S Belliard, J Snowden, S Auriacombe, S Basaglia-Pappas, ...
Revue neurologique 164 (4), 343-353, 2008
Right visual hemiagnosia: a single case report
A Charnallet, S Carbonnel, J Pellat
Cortex 24 (2), 347-355, 1988
Reconnaissance des scènes, des objets et des visages
C Marendaz, S Rousset, A Charnallet
A. Delorme & M. Fluckiger (Eds.), Perception et Réalité. Montréal: Gaëtan …, 2003
Deficiency in the reproduction and learning proper names after left tubero-thalamic ischemic lesion
O Moreaud, J Pellat, A Charnallet, S Carbonnel, T Brennen
Revue neurologique 151 (2), 93-99, 1995
Associative visual agnosia: A case study
A Charnallet, S Carbonnel, D David, O Moreaud
Behavioural Neurology 19 (1-2), 41-44, 2008
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Articles 1–20