Giuseppe Formetta
Giuseppe Formetta
Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, Via Mesiano, 77 - 38123 Trento
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Cited by
Empirical evidence of declining global vulnerability to climate-related hazards
G Formetta, L Feyen
Global Environmental Change 57, 101920, 2019
Climate change impacts and adaptation in Europe. JRC PESETA IV final report
L Feyen, JC Ciscar Martinez, S Gosling, D Ibarreta Ruiz, A Soria Ramirez, ...
Joint Research Centre (Seville site), 2020
The geomorphological unit hydrograph from a historical‐critical perspective
R Rigon, M Bancheri, G Formetta, A de Lavenne
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41 (1), 27-37, 2016
Hydrological modelling with components: A GIS-based open-source framework
G Formetta, A Antonello, S Franceschi, O David, R Rigon
Environmental Modelling & Software 55, 190-200, 2014
Modeling the water budget of the Upper Blue Nile basin using the JGrass-NewAge model system and satellite data
W Abera, G Formetta, L Brocca, R Rigon
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (6), 3145-3165, 2017
Evaluating performance of simplified physically based models for shallow landslide susceptibility
G Formetta, G Capparelli, P Versace
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (11), 4585-4603, 2016
Global warming and drought impacts in the EU
C Cammalleri, G Naumann, L Mentaschi, G Formetta, G Forzieri, ...
Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg, 2020
Future hot-spots for hydro-hazards in Great Britain: a probabilistic assessment
L Collet, S Harrigan, C Prudhomme, G Formetta, L Beevers
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (10), 5387-5401, 2018
The JGrass-NewAge system for forecasting and managing the hydrological budgets at the basin scale: models of flow generation and propagation/routing
G Formetta, R Mantilla, S Franceschi, A Antonello, R Rigon
Geoscientific Model Development 4 (4), 943-955, 2011
Integrated physically based system for modeling landslide susceptibility
G Formetta, V Rago, G Capparelli, R Rigon, F Muto, P Versace
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 9, 74-82, 2014
Global warming and human impacts of heat and cold extremes in the EU
G Naumann, S Russo, G Formetta, D Ibarreta, G Forzieri, M Girardello, ...
Crop Pasture Sci 10, 47878, 2020
New contributions in information systems and technologies
A Rocha, AM Correia, S Costanzo, LP Reis
Springer, 2015
Differential orographic impact on sub-hourly, hourly, and daily extreme precipitation
G Formetta, F Marra, E Dallan, M Zaramella, M Borga
Advances in Water Resources 159, 104085, 2022
Estimating the index flood with continuous hydrological models: an application in Great Britain
G Formetta, I Prosdocimi, E Stewart, V Bell
Hydrology Research 49 (1), 123-133, 2018
Estimating the water budget components and their variability in a pre-alpine basin with JGrass-NewAGE
W Abera, G Formetta, M Borga, R Rigon
Advances in water resources 104, 37-54, 2017
Hydrological control of soil thickness spatial variability on the initiation of rainfall-induced shallow landslides using a three-dimensional model
R Tufano, G Formetta, D Calcaterra, P De Vita
Landslides 18 (10), 3367-3380, 2021
Geomorphological control on variably saturated hillslope hydrology and slope instability
F Giuseppe, S Simoni, JW Godt, N Lu, R Rigon
Water Resources Research 52 (6), 4590-4607, 2016
Snow water equivalent modeling components in NewAge-JGrass
G Formetta, SK Kampf, O David, R Rigon
Geoscientific Model Development 7 (3), 725-736, 2014
Tropical storm-induced landslide potential using combined field monitoring and numerical modeling
P Chen, N Lu, G Formetta, JW Godt, A Wayllace
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 144 (11), 05018002, 2018
Modeling shortwave solar radiation using the JGrass-NewAge system
G Formetta, R Rigon, JL Chávez, O David
Geoscientific Model Development 6 (4), 915-928, 2013
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Articles 1–20