Chanyoung Park
Cited by
Cited by
Convolutional matrix factorization for document context-aware recommendation
D Kim, C Park, J Oh, S Lee, H Yu
Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on recommender systems, 233-240, 2016
Unsupervised attributed multiplex network embedding
C Park, D Kim, J Han, H Yu
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (04), 5371-5378, 2020
Augmentation-free self-supervised learning on graphs
N Lee, J Lee, C Park
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 36 (7), 7372-7380, 2022
Hdmi: High-order deep multiplex infomax
B Jing, C Park, H Tong
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, 2414-2424, 2021
Deep hybrid recommender systems via exploiting document context and statistics of items
D Kim, C Park, J Oh, H Yu
Information Sciences 417, 72-87, 2017
Bootstrapping user and item representations for one-class collaborative filtering
D Lee, SK Kang, H Ju, C Park, H Yu
Proceedings of the 44th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2021
Improving top-K recommendation with truster and trustee relationship in user trust network
C Park, D Kim, J Oh, H Yu
Information Sciences 374, 100-114, 2016
Collaborative translational metric learning
C Park, D Kim, X Xie, H Yu
2018 IEEE international conference on data mining (ICDM), 367-376, 2018
IMIPMF: Inferring miRNA-disease interactions using probabilistic matrix factorization
J Ha, C Park, C Park, S Park
Journal of biomedical informatics 102, 103358, 2020
Do" also-viewed" products help user rating prediction?
C Park, D Kim, J Oh, H Yu
Proceedings of the 26th international conference on world wide web, 1113-1122, 2017
Lte4g: Long-tail experts for graph neural networks
S Yun, K Kim, K Yoon, C Park
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information …, 2022
Sequential and Diverse Recommendation with Long Tail.
Y Kim, K Kim, C Park, H Yu
IJCAI 19, 2740-2746, 2019
Review sentiment-guided scalable deep recommender system
D Hyun, C Park, MC Yang, I Song, JT Lee, H Yu
The 41st international ACM SIGIR conference on research & development in …, 2018
Target-aware convolutional neural network for target-level sentiment analysis
D Hyun, C Park, MC Yang, I Song, JT Lee, H Yu
Information Sciences 491, 166-178, 2019
Deep multiplex graph infomax: Attentive multiplex network embedding using global information
C Park, J Han, H Yu
Knowledge-Based Systems 197, 105861, 2020
Improved prediction of miRNA-disease associations based on matrix completion with network regularization
J Ha, C Park, C Park, S Park
Cells 9 (4), 881, 2020
Task-guided pair embedding in heterogeneous network
C Park, D Kim, Q Zhu, J Han, H Yu
Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on information and …, 2019
Ahp: Learning to negative sample for hyperedge prediction
H Hwang, S Lee, C Park, K Shin
Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2022
Unsupervised differentiable multi-aspect network embedding
C Park, C Yang, Q Zhu, D Kim, H Yu, J Han
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2020
Large language models meet collaborative filtering: An efficient all-round llm-based recommender system
S Kim, H Kang, S Choi, D Kim, M Yang, C Park
Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and …, 2024
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Articles 1–20