Giri Kumar Tayi
Cited by
Cited by
Modeling information manufacturing systems to determine information product quality
D Ballou, R Wang, H Pazer, GK Tayi
Management Science 44 (4), 462-484, 1998
Examining data quality
GK Tayi, DP Ballou
Communications of the ACM 41 (2), 54-57, 1998
Enhancing data quality in data warehouse environments
DP Ballou, GK Tayi
Communications of the ACM 42 (1), 73-78, 1999
Heuristic and special case algorithms for dispersion problems
SS Ravi, DJ Rosenkrantz, GK Tayi
Operations research 42 (2), 299-310, 1994
Interorganizational information integration: A key enabler for digital government
TA Pardo, GK Tayi
Government information quarterly 24 (4), 691-715, 2007
Open innovation in the public sector: A research agenda
A Kankanhalli, A Zuiderwijk, GK Tayi
Government Information Quarterly 34 (1), 84-89, 2017
Consumer pseudo-showrooming and omni-channel placement strategies
Z Gu, GK Tayi
Mis Quarterly 41 (2), 583-606, 2017
Methodology for allocating resources for data quality enhancement
DP Ballou, GK Tayi
Communications of the ACM 32 (3), 320-329, 1989
Allocation of resources to cyber-security: The effect of misalignment of interest between managers and investors
B Srinidhi, J Yan, GK Tayi
Decision Support Systems 75, 49-62, 2015
Inroad into omni-channel retailing: Physical showroom deployment of an online retailer
G Li, T Zhang, GK Tayi
European Journal of Operational Research 283 (2), 676-691, 2020
The moderating role of information load on online product presentation
M Li, KK Wei, GK Tayi, CH Tan
Information & Management 53 (4), 467-480, 2016
Facility dispersion problems: Heuristics and special cases
SS Ravi, DJ Rosenkrantz, GK Tayi
Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, 355-366, 1991
Omni-channel retailing: Do offline retailers benefit from online reviews?
Y Li, G Li, GK Tayi, TCE Cheng
International Journal of Production Economics 218, 43-61, 2019
What drives public agencies to participate in open government data initiatives? an innovation resource perspective
Y Zhenbin, A Kankanhalli, S Ha, GK Tayi
Information & Management 57 (3), 103179, 2020
Software process diversity
N Ramasubbu, A Bharadwaj, GK Tayi
Mis Quarterly 39 (4), 787-808, 2015
Challenges and requirements for developing data architecture supporting integration of sustainable supply chains
DS Sayogo, J Zhang, L Luna-Reyes, H Jarman, G Tayi, DL Andersen, ...
Information Technology and Management 16, 5-18, 2015
Bank balance-sheet management: An alternative multi-objective model
GK Tayi, PA Leonard
Journal of the Operational Research Society 39 (4), 401-410, 1988
Impact of customers' digital banking adoption on hidden defection: A combined analytical–empirical approach
Y Son, HE Kwon, GK Tayi, W Oh
Journal of Operations Management 66 (4), 418-440, 2020
A conceptual approach for managing of spare parts
P Duchessi, GK Tayi, JB Levy
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management 18 (5 …, 1988
Designing free software samples: a game theoretic approach
C Faugère, GK Tayi
Information Technology and Management 8, 263-278, 2007
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Articles 1–20