Riccardo Bruzzese
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Design, construction and tests of the ICARUS T600 detector
S Amerio, S Amoruso, M Antonello, P Aprili, M Armenante, F Arneodo, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2004
Characterization of laser-ablation plasmas
S Amoruso, R Bruzzese, N Spinelli, R Velotta
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 32 (14), R131, 1999
Femtosecond laser pulse irradiation of solid targets as a general route to nanoparticle formation in a vacuum
S Amoruso, G Ausanio, R Bruzzese, M Vitiello, X Wang
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (3), 033406, 2005
Nonadiabatic three-dimensional model of high-order harmonic generation in the few-optical-cycle regime
E Priori, G Cerullo, M Nisoli, S Stagira, S De Silvestri, P Villoresi, L Poletto, ...
Physical Review A 61 (6), 063801, 2000
Generation of silicon nanoparticles via femtosecond laser ablation in vacuum
S Amoruso, R Bruzzese, N Spinelli, R Velotta, M Vitiello, X Wang, ...
Applied Physics Letters 84 (22), 4502-4504, 2004
Study of electron recombination in liquid argon with the ICARUS TPC
S Amoruso, M Antonello, P Aprili, F Arneodo, A Badertscher, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2004
Femtosecond laser ablation of nickel in vacuum
S Amoruso, R Bruzzese, X Wang, NN Nedialkov, PA Atanasov
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (2), 331, 2007
Direct femtosecond laser surface structuring with optical vortex beams generated by a q-plate
J Jj Nivas, S He, A Rubano, A Vecchione, D Paparo, L Marrucci, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17929, 2015
Pulsed laser ablation of complex oxides: The role of congruent ablation and preferential scattering for the film stoichiometry
S Wicklein, A Sambri, S Amoruso, X Wang, R Bruzzese, A Koehl, ...
Applied physics letters 101 (13), 2012
Experimental and theoretical investigations of femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum in vacuum
S Amoruso, R Bruzzese, M Vitiello, NN Nedialkov, PA Atanasov
Journal of applied physics 98 (4), 2005
Analysis of the liquid argon purity in the ICARUS T600 TPC
S Amoruso, M Antonello, P Aprili, F Arneodo, A Badertscher, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2004
Absorption and saturation mechanisms in aluminium laser ablated plasmas
S Amoruso, M Armenante, V Berardi, R Bruzzese, N Spinelli
Applied Physics A 65, 265-271, 1997
Ultrashort laser ablation of solid matter in vacuum: a comparison between the picosecond and femtosecond regimes
S Amoruso, G Ausanio, AC Barone, R Bruzzese, L Gragnaniello, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38 (20), L329, 2005
Double-peak distribution of electron and ion emission profile during femtosecond laser ablation of metals
S Amoruso, X Wang, C Altucci, C de Lisio, M Armenante, R Bruzzese, ...
Applied surface science 186 (1-4), 358-363, 2002
High-brightness high-order harmonic generation by truncated Bessel beams in the sub-10-fs regime
M Nisoli, E Priori, G Sansone, S Stagira, G Cerullo, S De Silvestri, ...
Physical review letters 88 (3), 033902, 2002
Propagation of a femtosecond pulsed laser ablation plume into a background atmosphere
S Amoruso, R Bruzzese, X Wang, J Xia
Applied Physics Letters 92 (4), 2008
Dynamics of the plumes produced by ultrafast laser ablation of metals
T Donnelly, JG Lunney, S Amoruso, R Bruzzese, X Wang, X Ni
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (4), 2010
Tunable soft-x-ray radiation by high-order harmonic generation
C Altucci, R Bruzzese, C de Lisio, M Nisoli, S Stagira, S De Silvestri, ...
Physical Review A 61 (2), 021801, 1999
Pulsed laser deposition of SrTiO3/LaGaO3 and SrTiO3/LaAlO3: Plasma plume effects
C Aruta, S Amoruso, R Bruzzese, X Wang, D Maccariello, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (25), 2010
Femtosecond laser surface structuring of silicon using optical vortex beams generated by a q-plate
KK Anoop, A Rubano, R Fittipaldi, X Wang, D Paparo, A Vecchione, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (24), 2014
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