Horacio E. Troiani
Horacio E. Troiani
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Alfalfa sprouts: a natural source for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles
JL Gardea-Torresdey, E Gomez, JR Peralta-Videa, JG Parsons, H Troiani, ...
Langmuir 19 (4), 1357-1361, 2003
Formation and growth of Au nanoparticles inside live alfalfa plants
JL Gardea-Torresdey, JG Parsons, E Gomez, J Peralta-Videa, HE Troiani, ...
Nano letters 2 (4), 397-401, 2002
Size controlled gold nanoparticle formation by Avena sativa biomass: use of plants in nanobiotechnology
V Armendariz, I Herrera, JR Peralta-Videa, M Jose-Yacaman, H Troiani, ...
Journal of nanoparticle research 6, 377-382, 2004
Ni-substituted Sr (Ti, Fe) O3 SOFC anodes: achieving high performance via metal alloy nanoparticle exsolution
T Zhu, HE Troiani, LV Mogni, M Han, SA Barnett
Joule 2 (3), 478-496, 2018
Photonic crystals from ordered mesoporous thin‐film functional building blocks
MC Fuertes, FJ López‐Alcaraz, MC Marchi, HE Troiani, V Luca, H Míguez, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 17 (8), 1247-1254, 2007
Direct observation of the mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes and their junctions at the atomic level
HE Troiani, M Miki-Yoshida, GA Camacho-Bragado, MAL Marques, ...
Nano letters 3 (6), 751-755, 2003
Magnetic dead layer in ferromagnetic manganite nanoparticles
J Curiale, M Granada, HE Troiani, RD Sánchez, AG Leyva, P Levy, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (4), 2009
Wired-enzyme core− shell Au nanoparticle biosensor
P Scodeller, V Flexer, R Szamocki, EJ Calvo, N Tognalli, H Troiani, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (38), 12690-12697, 2008
Catalytic activity vs. size correlation in platinum catalysts of PEM fuel cells prepared on carbon black by different methods
FJ Nores-Pondal, IMJ Vilella, H Troiani, M Granada, SR de Miguel, ...
international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (19), 8193-8203, 2009
On the breaking of carbon nanotubes under tension
MAL Marques, HE Troiani, M Miki-Yoshida, M Jose-Yacaman, A Rubio
Nano Letters 4 (5), 811-815, 2004
Surface reconstruction and decahedral structure of bimetallic nanoparticles
JL Rodriguez-Lopez, JM Montejano-Carrizales, U Pal, ...
Physical review letters 92 (19), 196102, 2004
Nanotubes of rare-earth manganese oxide
P Levy, AG Leyva, HE Troiani, RD Sánchez
Applied physics letters 83 (25), 5247-5249, 2003
Synergetic effect of Co and carbon nanotubes on MgH2 sorption properties
MG Verón, H Troiani, FC Gennari
Carbon 49 (7), 2413-2423, 2011
In vitro and in vivo experiments with iron oxide nanoparticles functionalized with DEXTRAN or polyethylene glycol for medical applications: Magnetic targeting
ML Mojica Pisciotti, E Lima Jr, M Vasquez Mansilla, VE Tognoli, ...
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 102 (4 …, 2014
Hydrogen production from ethanol steam reforming on M/CeO2/YSZ (M= Ru, Pd, Ag) nanocomposites
IAC Ramos, T Montini, B Lorenzut, H Troiani, FC Gennari, M Graziani, ...
Catalysis Today 180 (1), 96-104, 2012
Size dependence of the magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic nanoparticles
D Tobia, E Winkler, RD Zysler, M Granada, HE Troiani
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (10), 104412, 2008
Bimagnetic CoO Core/CoFe2O4 Shell Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Magnetic Properties
E Lima Jr, EL Winkler, D Tobia, HE Troiani, RD Zysler, E Agostinelli, ...
Chemistry of Materials 24 (3), 512-516, 2012
Heat generation in agglomerated ferrite nanoparticles in an alternating magnetic field
E Lima, E De Biasi, MV Mansilla, ME Saleta, M Granada, HE Troiani, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (4), 045002, 2012
Preparation of iron oxide nanoparticles stabilized with biomolecules: Experimental and mechanistic issues
P Nicolás, M Saleta, H Troiani, R Zysler, V Lassalle, ML Ferreira
Acta biomaterialia 9 (1), 4754-4762, 2013
Room-temperature ferromagnetism in La2∕ 3Sr1∕ 3MnO3 nanoparticle assembled nanotubes
J Curiale, RD Sanchez, HE Troiani, AG Leyva, P Levy
Applied Physics Letters 87 (4), 2005
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