Alex Amato
Alex Amato
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The electronic phase diagram of the LaO1−xFxFeAs superconductor
H Luetkens, HH Klauss, M Kraken, FJ Litterst, T Dellmann, R Klingeler, ...
Nature materials 8 (4), 305-309, 2009
Quantum magnetism in the paratacamite family: towards an ideal kagomé lattice
P Mendels, F Bert, MA de Vries, A Olariu, A Harrison, F Duc, JC Trombe, ...
Physical review letters 98 (7), 077204, 2007
Synthesis and crystal growth of Cs0. 8 (FeSe0. 98) 2: a new iron-based superconductor with Tc= 27 K
A Krzton-Maziopa, Z Shermadini, E Pomjakushina, V Pomjakushin, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (5), 052203, 2011
Commensurate spin density wave in LaFeAsO: A local probe study
HH Klauss, H Luetkens, R Klingeler, C Hess, FJ Litterst, M Kraken, ...
Physical review letters 101 (7), 077005, 2008
Heavy-fermion systems studied by μSR technique
A Amato
Reviews of Modern Physics 69 (4), 1119, 1997
Kapellasite: A kagome quantum spin liquid with competing interactions
B Fåk, E Kermarrec, L Messio, B Bernu, C Lhuillier, F Bert, P Mendels, ...
Physical review letters 109 (3), 037208, 2012
Direct observation of the spin texture in SmB6 as evidence of the topological Kondo insulator
N Xu, PK Biswas, JH Dil, RS Dhaka, G Landolt, S Muff, CE Matt, X Shi, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4566, 2014
Surface and bulk electronic structure of the strongly correlated system SmB and implications for a topological Kondo insulator
N Xu, X Shi, PK Biswas, CE Matt, RS Dhaka, Y Huang, NC Plumb, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (12), 121102, 2013
Inelastic neutron scattering study of cerium heavy fermion compounds
J Rossat-Mignod, LP Regnault, JL Jacoud, C Vettier, P Lejay, J Flouquet, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 76, 376-384, 1988
Field and Temperature Dependence of the Superfluid Density in Superconductors: A Muon Spin Relaxation Study
H Luetkens, HH Klauss, R Khasanov, A Amato, R Klingeler, I Hellmann, ...
Physical review letters 101 (9), 097009, 2008
Pressure induced static magnetic order in superconducting FeSe1−x
M Bendele, A Amato, K Conder, M Elender, H Keller, HH Klauss, ...
Physical review letters 104 (8), 087003, 2010
Coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity in the iron-based compound Cs0.8(FeSe0.98)2
Z Shermadini, A Krzton-Maziopa, M Bendele, R Khasanov, H Luetkens, ...
Physical review letters 106 (11), 117602, 2011
Evidence for superconductivity with broken time-reversal symmetry in locally noncentrosymmetric SrPtAs
PK Biswas, H Luetkens, T Neupert, T Stürzer, C Baines, G Pascua, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (18), 180503, 2013
Scientific Collaboration LIGO, Collaboration Virgo (2019) Binary black hole population properties inferred from the first and second observing runs of advanced LIGO and …
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
ApJ 882 (2), L24, 0
Momentum-resolved superconducting gap in the bulk of Ba1− xKxFe2As2 from combined ARPES and μSR measurements
DV Evtushinsky, DS Inosov, VB Zabolotnyy, MS Viazovska, R Khasanov, ...
New Journal of Physics 11 (5), 055069, 2009
Dynamics in canonical spin glasses observed by muon spin depolarization
IA Campbell, A Amato, FN Gygax, D Herlach, A Schenck, R Cywinski, ...
Physical review letters 72 (8), 1291, 1994
Strong coupling between magnetic and structural order parameters in
A Jesche, N Caroca-Canales, H Rosner, H Borrmann, A Ormeci, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (18), 180504, 2008
Interplay of rare earth and iron magnetism in (, Ce, Pr, and Sm): Muon-spin relaxation study and symmetry analysis
H Maeter, H Luetkens, YG Pashkevich, A Kwadrin, R Khasanov, A Amato, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (9), 094524, 2009
Tunable anomalous Hall conductivity through volume-wise magnetic competition in a topological kagome magnet
Z Guguchia, JAT Verezhak, DJ Gawryluk, SS Tsirkin, JX Yin, I Belopolski, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 559, 2020
Coexistence of incommensurate magnetism and superconductivity in
R Khasanov, M Bendele, A Amato, P Babkevich, AT Boothroyd, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (14), 140511, 2009
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Articles 1–20