Jithin Samuel George
Jithin Samuel George
University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust
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Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders with aquaporin-4 and myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies: a comparative study
J Kitley, P Waters, M Woodhall, MI Leite, A Murchison, J George, W Küker, ...
JAMA neurology 71 (3), 276-283, 2014
Prognostic factors and disease course in aquaporin-4 antibody-positive patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder from the United Kingdom and Japan.
PJ Kitley J, Leite MI, Nakashima I, Waters P
Brain 135 (6), 1835-49, 2012
The differential diagnosis of longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis.
PJA Kitley JL, Leite MI, George JS
Mult Scler. 18 (3), 271-85, 2012
Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis with and without aquaporin 4 antibodies
J Kitley, MI Leite, W Küker, G Quaghebeur, J George, P Waters, ...
JAMA neurology 70 (11), 1375-1381, 2013
Pregnancy outcomes in aquaporin-4–positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder
MM Nour, I Nakashima, E Coutinho, M Woodhall, F Sousa, J Revis, ...
Neurology 86 (1), 79-87, 2016
Methotrexate is an alternative to azathioprine in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders with aquaporin-4 antibodies
J Kitley, L Elsone, J George, P Waters, M Woodhall, A Vincent, A Jacob, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 84 (8), 918-921, 2013
Olfactory pathology in central nervous system demyelinating diseases
GC DeLuca, A Joseph, J George, RL Yates, M Hamard, M Hofer, MM Esiri
Brain Pathology 25 (5), 543-551, 2015
Effect of transmission impairments in CO-OFDM based elastic optical network design
S Behera, J George, G Das
Computer Networks 144, 242-253, 2018
Acquired rippling muscle disease in association with myasthenia gravis.
HCO George JS, Harikrishnan S, Ali I, Baresi R
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 81 (1), 125-6, 2010
Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders with aquaporin-4 and myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies: a comparative study. JAMA Neurol. 2014; 71 (3): 276–83
J Kitley, P Waters, M Woodhall, MI Leite, A Murchison, J George, W Küker, ...
Kitley et al. distinguished NMO patients who are NMO-IgG positive and those …, 2013
Opportunistic infections of the retina in patients with aquaporin-4 antibody disease
JS George, MI Leite, JL Kitley, N Jones, N Cortes, M Donati, BN Matthews, ...
JAMA neurology 71 (11), 1429-1432, 2014
Correlation between APRI index, MELD score and Child-Pugh score in cirrhosis of liver
J George, G Yeshavanth
Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 6 (5), 2018
Reduced EDSS progression in multiple sclerosis patients treated with modafinil for three years or more compared to matched untreated subjects
RH Bibani, CR Tench, J George, A Manouchehrinia, J Palace, ...
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 1 (3), 131-135, 2012
Spinal cord MRI features in neuromyelitis optica (NMO): Characteristics and relationship with severity and recovery in longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM) attacks
A Murchison, J Kitley, J George, M Woodhall, P Waters, A Vincent, M Leite, ...
A case of 'cryptogenic' type D carotid cavernous fistula presenting initially with Cluster-like headache.
EP George JS, Adams W, Sadler M, Weatherby SJ
Clin Neurol Neurosurg., 487-8, 2012
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a rare clinical presentation of L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria
J George, P Sandhya, KV Sajitha, S Sundaram
BMJ Case Reports CP 14 (7), e244038, 2021
Importance of carotid intima media thickness in ischemic stroke in a tertiary care hospital
S Bongale, J George
TC 185 (56.17), 0.110, 2018
Brivaracetam and levetiracetam dose adjustments leading to behavioural adverse effects
MY Tiet, J George
Postgraduate Medical Journal 93 (1103), 566-566, 2017
Mystery Case: Terson syndrome on CT head
JS George, JS Elston
Neurology 87 (13), e133-e134, 2016
Transmission impairment aware routing and spectrum allocation in CO-OFDM based elastic optical networks
S Behera, J George, G Das
2016 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM …, 2016
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Articles 1–20