Adrian Munguia-Vega
Adrian Munguia-Vega
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Abiotic factors shape microbial diversity in Sonoran Desert soils
DR Andrew, RR Fitak, A Munguia-Vega, A Racolta, VG Martinson, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 78 (21), 7527-7537, 2012
Assessing the geological and climatic forcing of biodiversity and evolution surrounding the Gulf of California
GA Dolby, SEK Bennett, A Lira-Noriega, BT Wilder, A Munguía-Vega
Journal of the Southwest, 391-455, 2015
Integrating eDNA metabarcoding and simultaneous underwater visual surveys to describe complex fish communities in a marine biodiversity hotspot
T Valdivia‐Carrillo, A Rocha‐Olivares, H Reyes‐Bonilla, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 21 (5), 1558-1574, 2021
Variations of the mitochondrial control region sequence in whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) from the Gulf of California, Mexico
D Ramírez-Macías, R Vázquez-Juárez, F Galván-Magaña, ...
Fisheries Research 84 (1), 87-95, 2007
Novel primers for complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequencing in mammals
A Naidu, RR Fitak, A MUNGUIA‐VEGA, M Culver
Molecular ecology resources 12 (2), 191-196, 2012
Marine reserves help preserve genetic diversity after impacts derived from climate variability: Lessons from the pink abalone in Baja California
A Munguía-Vega, A Sáenz-Arroyo, AP Greenley, JA Espinoza-Montes, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 4, 264-276, 2015
Designing connected marine reserves in the face of global warming
JG Álvarez‐Romero, A Munguía‐Vega, M Beger, ...
Global change biology 24 (2), e671-e691, 2018
Linking bio-oceanography and population genetics to assess larval connectivity
G Soria, A Munguía-Vega, SG Marinone, M Moreno-Báez, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 463, 159-175, 2012
Ecological guidelines for designing networks of marine reserves in the unique biophysical environment of the Gulf of California
A Munguia-Vega, AL Green, AN Suarez-Castillo, MJ Espinosa-Romero, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 28, 749-776, 2018
Genetic drift vs. natural selection in a long‐term small isolated population: Major histocompatibility complex class II variation in the Gulf of California endemic porpoise …
Molecular Ecology 16 (19), 4051-4065, 2007
Dynamic connectivity patterns from an insular marine protected area in the Gulf of California
G Soria, J Torre-Cosio, A Munguia-Vega, SG Marinone, MF Lavín, A Cinti, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 129, 248-258, 2014
Asymmetric connectivity of spawning aggregations of a commercially important marine fish using a multidisciplinary approach
A Munguia-Vega, A Jackson, SG Marinone, B Erisman, M Moreno-Baez, ...
PeerJ 2, e511, 2014
Localized extinction of an arboreal desert lizard caused by habitat fragmentation
A Munguia-Vega, R Rodriguez-Estrella, WW Shaw, M Culver
Biological Conservation 157, 11-20, 2013
Functional-biogeography of the reef fishes of the islands of the Gulf of California: integrating functional divergence into marine conservation
D Olivier, N Loiseau, D Petatán-Ramírez, OT Millán, AN Suárez-Castillo, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 16, e00506, 2018
Spondylids of eastern pacific ocean
C Lodeiros, G Soria, P Valentich-Scott, A Munguía-Vega, JS Cabrera, ...
Journal of Shellfish Research 35 (2), 279-293, 2016
PANGAS: an interdisciplinary ecosystem-based research framework for small-scale fisheries in the Northern Gulf of California
A Munguia-Vega, J Torre, P Turk-Boyer, SG Marinone, MF Lavín, T Pfister, ...
Journal of the Southwest, 337-390, 2015
Anisotropic larval connectivity and metapopulation structure driven by directional oceanic currents in a marine fish targeted by small-scale fisheries
A Munguia-Vega, SG Marinone, DA Paz-Garcia, A Giron-Nava, ...
Marine Biology 165, 1-16, 2018
Ecosystem-based fisheries management of a biological corridor along the northern Sonora coastline (NE Gulf of California)
PJ Turk-Boyer, HN Morzaria-Luna, I Martinez-Tovar, ...
Fisheries management of mexican and central american estuaries, 125-154, 2014
Life histories predict genetic diversity and population structure within three species of octopus targeted by small-scale fisheries in Northwest Mexico
JF Domínguez-Contreras, A Munguia-Vega, BP Ceballos-Vázquez, ...
PeerJ 6, e4295, 2018
Integrating Earth–life systems: a geogenomic approach
GA Dolby, SEK Bennett, RJ Dorsey, MF Stokes, BR Riddle, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (4), 371-384, 2022
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Articles 1–20