Asheley R. Landrum
Asheley R. Landrum
Associate Professor, Cronkite School @ Arizona State University
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Science curiosity and political information processing
DM Kahan, A Landrum, K Carpenter, L Helft, K Hall Jamieson
Political Psychology 38, 179-199, 2017
When do children trust the expert? Benevolence information influences children's trust more than expertise
AR Landrum, CM Mills, AM Johnston
Developmental Science 16 (4), 622-638, 2013
Learning to trust and trusting to learn: A theoretical framework
AR Landrum, BS Eaves Jr, P Shafto
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 19 (3), 109-111, 2015
Determining who to question, what to ask, and how much information to ask for: The development of inquiry in young children
CM Mills, CH Legare, MG Grant, AR Landrum
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 110 (4), 539-560, 2011
Differential susceptibility to misleading flat earth arguments on youtube
AR Landrum, A Olshansky, O Richards
Media Psychology 24 (1), 136-165, 2021
How do children weigh competence and benevolence when deciding whom to trust?
AM Johnston, CM Mills, AR Landrum
Cognition 144, 76-90, 2015
No missing link: Knowledge predicts acceptance of evolution in the United States
DS Weisberg, AR Landrum, SE Metz, M Weisberg
BioScience 68 (3), 212-222, 2018
Culturally antagonistic memes and the Zika virus: An experimental test
DM Kahan, KH Jamieson, A Landrum, K Winneg
Journal of Risk Research 20 (1), 1-40, 2017
Processing the papal encyclical through perceptual filters: Pope Francis, identity-protective cognition, and climate change concern
AR Landrum, RB Lull, H Akin, A Hasell, KH Jamieson
Cognition 166, 1-12, 2017
Knowledge about the nature of science increases public acceptance of science regardless of identity factors
DS Weisberg, AR Landrum, J Hamilton, M Weisberg
Public Understanding of Science 30 (2), 120-138, 2021
The role of conspiracy mentality in denial of science and susceptibility to viral deception about science
AR Landrum, A Olshansky
Politics and the Life Sciences, 1-17, 2019
Questioning supports effective transmission of knowledge and increased exploratory learning in pre‐kindergarten children
Y Yu, AR Landrum, E Bonawitz, P Shafto
Developmental science 21 (6), e12696, 2018
Examining the impact of expert voices: communicating the scientific consensus on genetically-modified organisms
AR Landrum, WK Hallman, KH Jamieson
Environmental Communication 13 (1), 51-70, 2019
Inducing knowledgeability from niceness: Children use social features for making epistemic inferences
AR Landrum, AD Pflaum, CM Mills
Journal of Cognition and Development 17 (5), 699-717, 2016
Flat-Smacked! Converting to Flat Eartherism
A Olshansky, RM Peaslee, AR Landrum
Media and Religion 19 (2), 46-59, 2020
Developing Expectations regarding the Boundaries of Expertise
AR Landrum, CM Mills
Cognition 134 (1), 215-231, 2015
Headline format influences evaluation of, but not engagement with, environmental news
K Janét, O Richards, AR Landrum
Journalism Practice 16 (1), 35-55, 2022
Polarized US publics, Pope Francis, and climate change: Reviewing the studies and data collected around the 2015 Papal Encyclical
AR Landrum, R Vasquez
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 11 (6), e674, 2020
Open Questions in Scientific Consensus Messaging Research
AR Landrum, MH Slater
Environmental Communication,, 2020
Public perceptions of who counts as a scientist for controversial science
B Suldovsky, A Landrum, NJ Stroud
Public Understanding of Science 28 (7), 797-811, 2019
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Articles 1–20