Ingibjorg Hardardottir
Ingibjorg Hardardottir
Professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Iceland
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Effects of endotoxin and cytokines on lipid metabolism
I Hardardóttir, C Grünfeld, KR Feingold
Current opinion in lipidology 5 (3), 207-215, 1994
Effect of endotoxin on cholesterol biosynthesis and distribution in serum lipoproteins in Syrian hamsters.
KR Feingold, I Hardardottir, R Memon, EJT Krul, AH Moser, JM Taylor, ...
Journal of lipid research 34 (12), 2147-2158, 1993
Extraction of lipid and cholesterol from fish muscle with supercritical fluids
Journal of Food Science 53 (6), 1656-1658, 1988
Effects of TNF, IL-1, and the combination of both cytokines on cholesterol metabolism in Syrian hamsters.
I Hardardottir, AH Moser, R Memon, C Grünfeld, KR Feingold
Lymphokine and cytokine research 13 (3), 161-166, 1994
Dietary arachidonate enhances tissue arachidonate levels and eicosanoid production in Syrian hamsters
J Whelan, ME Surette, I Hardardóttir, G Lu, KA Golemboski, E Larsen, ...
The Journal of nutrition 123 (12), 2174-2185, 1993
Effect of increasing the dietary (n-3) to (n-6) polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio on murine liver and peritoneal cell fatty acids and eicosanoid formation
KS Broughton, J Whelan, I Hardardottir, JEL Kinsella
The Journal of nutrition 121 (2), 155-164, 1991
Tumor necrosis factor production by murine resident peritoneal macrophages is enhanced by dietary n− 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
I Hardardottir, JE Kinsella
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1095 (3), 187-195, 1991
Effects of endotoxin on lipid metabolism.
I Hardardottir, C Grunfeld, KR Feingold
Biochemical Society Transactions 23 (4), 1013-1018, 1995
Endotoxin and cytokines decrease serum levels and extra hepatic protein and mRNA levels of cholesteryl ester transfer protein in syrian hamsters.
I Hardardóttir, AH Moser, J Fuller, C Fielding, K Feingold, C Grünfeld
The Journal of clinical investigation 97 (11), 2585-2592, 1996
Endotoxin and cytokines increase hepatic messenger RNA levels and serum concentrations of apolipoprotein J (clusterin) in Syrian hamsters.
I Hardardottir, ST Kunitake, AH Moser, WT Doerrler, JH Rapp, C Grünfeld, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 94 (3), 1304-1309, 1994
Cytokines stimulate lipolysis and decrease lipoprotein lipase activity in cultured fat cells by a prostaglandin independent mechanism
I Hardardottir, W Doerrler, KR Feingold, C Grunfeld
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 186 (1), 237-243, 1992
Beneficial effects of cytokine induced hyperlipidemia.
KR Feingold, I Hardardottir, C Grunfeld
Zeitschrift Fur Ernahrungswissenschaft 37, 66-74, 1998
LPS and cytokines regulate extra hepatic mRNA levels of apolipoproteins during the acute phase response in Syrian hamsters
I Hardardóttir, J Sipe, AH Moser, CJ Fielding, KR Feingold, C Grünfeld
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Lipids and Lipid Metabolism 1344 (3 …, 1997
Increasing the dietary (n-3) to (n-6) polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio increases tumor necrosis factor production by murine resident peritoneal macrophages without an effect on …
I Hardardóttir, JE Kinsella
The Journal of nutrition 122 (10), 1942-1951, 1992
Anti-inflammatory and proresolving effects of the omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid adrenic acid
H Brouwers, HS Jónasdóttir, ME Kuipers, JC Kwekkeboom, JL Auger, ...
The Journal of Immunology 205 (10), 2840-2849, 2020
Tálmar og tćkifćri
GL Marinósson, IH Harđardóttir, I Kaldalóns
Menntun nemenda međ ţroskahömlun á Íslandi, 2007
Dietary fish oil increases tumor necrosis factor secretion but decreases interleukin-10 secretion by murine peritoneal macrophages
DH Petursdottir, I Olafsdottir, I Hardardottir
The Journal of nutrition 132 (12), 3740-3743, 2002
The effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on TNF-α and IL-10 secretion by murine peritoneal cells in vitro
IH Skuladottir, DH Petursdottir, I Hardardottir
Lipids 42, 699-706, 2007
Dietary Fish Oil Increases the Number of Splenic Macrophages Secreting TNF-α and IL-10 But Decreases the Secretion of These Cytokines by Splenic T Cells from Mice, 2
DH Petursdottir, I Hardardottir
The Journal of nutrition 137 (3), 665-670, 2007
Differential mobility separation of leukotrienes and protectins
HS Jónasdóttir, C Papan, S Fabritz, L Balas, T Durand, I Hardardottir, ...
Analytical Chemistry 87 (10), 5036-5040, 2015
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Articles 1–20