Richard Sloan
Richard Sloan
Professor of Accounting, University of Southern California
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Cited by
Detecting Earnings Management
P Dechow
Harvard Business School, 1995
Do stock prices fully reflect information in accruals and cash flows about future earnings?
RG Sloan
Accounting review, 289-315, 1996
Causes and consequences of earnings manipulation: An analysis of firms subject to enforcement actions by the SEC
PM Dechow, RG Sloan, AP Sweeney
Contemporary accounting research 13 (1), 1-36, 1996
Executive incentives and the horizon problem: An empirical investigation
PM Dechow, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and Economics 14 (1), 51-89, 1991
Earnings surprises, growth expectations, and stock returns or don't let an earnings torpedo sink your portfolio
DJ Skinner, RG Sloan
Review of accounting studies 7 (2), 289-312, 2002
Predicting material accounting misstatements
PM Dechow, W Ge, CR Larson, RG Sloan
Contemporary accounting research 28 (1), 17-82, 2011
Accrual reliability, earnings persistence and stock prices
SA Richardson, RG Sloan, MT Soliman, I Tuna
Journal of accounting and economics 39 (3), 437-485, 2005
Annual bonus schemes and the manipulation of earnings
RW Holthausen, DF Larcker, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and economics 19 (1), 29-74, 1995
Another look at the cross‐section of expected stock returns
SP Kothari, J Shanken, RG Sloan
The journal of finance 50 (1), 185-224, 1995
Short-sellers, fundamental analysis, and stock returns
PM Dechow, AP Hutton, L Meulbroek, RG Sloan
Journal of financial Economics 61 (1), 77-106, 2001
An empirical assessment of the residual income valuation model
PM Dechow, AP Hutton, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and economics 26 (1-3), 1-34, 1999
Do analysts and auditors use information in accruals?
MT Bradshaw, SA Richardson, RG Sloan
Journal of Accounting research 39 (1), 45-74, 2001
Accounting earnings and top executive compensation
RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and Economics 16 (1-3), 55-100, 1993
GAAP versus the street: An empirical assessment of two alternative definitions of earnings
MT Bradshaw, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting research 40 (1), 41-66, 2002
Detecting earnings management: A new approach
PM Dechow, AP Hutton, JH Kim, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting research 50 (2), 275-334, 2012
Lack of timeliness and noise as explanations for the low contemporaneuos return-earnings association
DW Collins, SP Kothari, J Shanken, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and economics 18 (3), 289-324, 1994
The relation between analysts' forecasts of long‐term earnings growth and stock price performance following equity offerings
PM Dechow, AP Hutton, RG Sloan
Contemporary Accounting Research 17 (1), 1-32, 2000
The relation between corporate financing activities, analysts’ forecasts and stock returns
MT Bradshaw, SA Richardson, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and economics 42 (1-2), 53-85, 2006
Financial accounting and corporate governance: a discussion
RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and economics 32 (1-3), 335-347, 2001
Information in prices about future earnings: Implications for earnings response coefficients
SP Kothari, RG Sloan
Journal of Accounting and Economics 15 (2-3), 143-171, 1992
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Articles 1–20