Eduardo G. Pardo
Eduardo G. Pardo
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; U. Internacional de la Rioja
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Cited by
Heuristics and metaheuristics for the maximum diversity problem
R Martí, M Gallego, A Duarte, EG Pardo
Journal of Heuristics 19 (4), 591-615, 2013
Multi-objective variable neighborhood search: an application to combinatorial optimization problems
A Duarte, JJ Pantrigo, EG Pardo, N Mladenovic
Journal of Global Optimization 63 (3), 515-536, 2015
Variable Neighborhood Search strategies for the Order Batching Problem
B Menéndez, EG Pardo, A Alonso-Ayuso, E Molina, A Duarte
Computers & Operations Research 78, 500-512, 2017
General Variable Neighborhood Search for the Order Batching and Sequencing Problem
B Menéndez, M Bustillo, EG Pardo, A Duarte
European Journal of Operational Research 263 (1), 82-93, 2017
Variable formulation search for the cutwidth minimization problem
EG Pardo, N Mladenović, JJ Pantrigo, A Duarte
Applied Soft Computing 13 (5), 2242-2252, 2013
Scatter search for the cutwidth minimization problem
JJ Pantrigo, R Martí, A Duarte, EG Pardo
Annals of Operations Research 199 (1), 285-304, 2012
Parallel variable neighbourhood search strategies for the cutwidth minimization problem
A Duarte, JJ Pantrigo, EG Pardo, J Sánchez-Oro
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 27 (1), 55-73, 2016
Parallel variable neighborhood search for the min–max order batching problem
B Menéndez, EG Pardo, J Sánchez‐Oro, A Duarte
International Transactions in Operational Research 24 (3), 635-662, 2017
Linguistic description of traffic in a roundabout
G Triviño, A Sanchez, AS Montemayor, JJ Pantrigo, R Cabido, EG Pardo
Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, 1-8, 2010
Order batching problems: Taxonomy and literature review
EG Pardo, S Gil-Borrás, A Alonso-Ayuso, A Duarte
European Journal of Operational Research 313 (1), 1-24, 2024
A heuristic approach for the online order batching problem with multiple pickers
S Gil-Borrás, EG Pardo, A Alonso-Ayuso, A Duarte
Computers & Industrial Engineering 160, 107517, 2021
An algorithm for batching, sequencing and picking operations in a warehouse
M Bustillo, B Menéndez, EG Pardo, A Duarte
2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems …, 2015
Branch and bound for the cutwidth minimization problem
R Martí, JJ Pantrigo, A Duarte, EG Pardo
Computers & Operations Research 40 (1), 137-149, 2013
General Variable Neighborhood Search applied to the picking process in a warehouse
B Menéndez, EG Pardo, A Duarte, A Alonso-Ayuso, E Molina
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 47, 77–84, 2015
Optimization of code caves in malware binaries to evade machine learning detectors
J Yuste, EG Pardo, J Tapiador
Computers & Security 116, 102643, 2022
Embedding signed graphs in the line: heuristics to solve MinSA problem
EG Pardo, M Soto, C Thraves
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 29, 451-471, 2015
GRASP with Variable Neighborhood Descent for the online order batching problem
S Gil-Borrás, EG Pardo, A Alonso-Ayuso, A Duarte
Journal of Global Optimization 78, 295-325, 2020
A general variable neighborhood search for the cyclic antibandwidth problem
S Cavero, EG Pardo, A Duarte
Computational Optimization and Applications 81 (2), 657-687, 2022
Linear Layout Problems
EG Pardo, R Martí, A Duarte
Handbook of Heuristics, 1025-1049, 2018
An efficient heuristic algorithm for software module clustering optimization
J Yuste, A Duarte, EG Pardo
Journal of Systems and Software 190, 111349, 2022
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Articles 1–20