Nikos Vrakas
Cited by
Cited by
Utilizing bloom filters for detecting flooding attacks against SIP based services
D Geneiatakis, N Vrakas, C Lambrinoudakis
computers & security 28 (7), 578-591, 2009
Vertical industries requirements analysis & targeted KPIs for advanced 5G trials
T Doukoglou, V Gezerlis, K Trichias, N Kostopoulos, N Vrakas, ...
2019 European conference on networks and communications (EuCNC), 95-100, 2019
It's All in the Cloud: Reviewing Cloud Security
N Pitropakis, E Darra, N Vrakas, C Lambrinoudakis
2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and …, 2013
Privacy requirements engineering for trustworthy e-government services
N Vrakas, C Kalloniatis, A Tsohou, C Lambrinoudakis
Trust and Trustworthy Computing: Third International Conference, TRUST 2010 …, 2010
An intrusion detection and prevention system for IMS and VoIP services
N Vrakas, C Lambrinoudakis
International Journal of Information Security 12, 201-217, 2013
Evaluating the security and privacy protection level of IP multimedia subsystem environments
N Vrakas, D Geneiatakis, C Lambrinoudakis
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 15 (2), 803-819, 2012
Performance evaluation of a flooding detection mechanism for voip networks
D Geneiatakis, N Vrakas, C Lambrinoudakis
2009 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 1-5, 2009
Obscuring users' identity in VoIP/IMS environments
N Vrakas, D Geneiatakis, C Lambrinoudakis
Computers & security 43, 145-158, 2014
A call conference room interception attack and its detection
N Vrakas, D Geneiatakis, C Lambrinoudakis
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business: 7th International …, 2010
On the internal workings of botnets: A review
CO Emmanuel, V Nikos, C Ogu, BM Ajose-Ismail
International Journal of Computer Applications 138 (4), 39-43, 2020
Is IP Multimedia Subsystem affected by ‘malformed message’ attacks? - An evaluation of OpenIMS
N Vrakas, D Geneiatakis, C Lambrinoudakis
Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), 2011 Proceedings of the International …, 2011
A cross layer spoofing detection mechanism for multimedia communication services
N Vrakas, C Lambrinoudakis
Systems Approach Applications for Developments in Information Technology …, 2012
Enhancing security and privacy in VoIP/IMS environments
N Vrakas
Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς. Τμήμα Ψηφιακών Συστημάτων, 2013
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Articles 1–13