Xinning Zhang
Xinning Zhang
Other namesORCID: 0000-0003-2763-1526, SCOPUS: 20437094700
Dept. of Geosciences & High Meadows Environmental Institute, Princeton University
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Cited by
Cited by
Metagenomic and functional analysis of hindgut microbiota of a wood-feeding higher termite
F Warnecke, P Luginbühl, N Ivanova, M Ghassemian, TH Richardson, ...
Nature 450 (7169), 560-565, 2007
Global nitrogen cycle: critical enzymes, organisms, and processes for nitrogen budgets and dynamics
X Zhang, BB Ward, DM Sigman
Chemical reviews 120 (12), 5308-5351, 2020
Large D/H variations in bacterial lipids reflect central metabolic pathways
X Zhang, AL Gillespie, AL Sessions
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (31), 12580-12586, 2009
Nitrogen isotope fractionation by alternative nitrogenases and past ocean anoxia
X Zhang, DM Sigman, FMM Morel, AML Kraepiel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014
Possible contribution of alternative nitrogenases to nitrogen fixation by asymbiotic N2-fixing bacteria in soils
JP Bellenger, Y Xu, X Zhang, FMM Morel, AML Kraepiel
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 69, 413-420, 2014
Biological nitrogen fixation by alternative nitrogenases in terrestrial ecosystems: a review
JP Bellenger, R Darnajoux, X Zhang, AML Kraepiel
Biogeochemistry 149, 53-73, 2020
The siderophore metabolome of Azotobacter vinelandii
O Baars, X Zhang, FMM Morel, MR Seyedsayamdost
Applied and environmental microbiology 82 (1), 27-39, 2016
4D imaging reveals mechanisms of clay-carbon protection and release
JQ Yang, X Zhang, IC Bourg, HA Stone
Nature communications 12 (1), 622, 2021
Diversity and activity of alternative nitrogenases in sequenced genomes and coastal environments
DL McRose, X Zhang, AML Kraepiel, FMM Morel
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 267, 2017
Biological nitrogen fixation by alternative nitrogenases in boreal cyanolichens: importance of molybdenum availability and implications for current biological nitrogen fixation …
R Darnajoux, X Zhang, DL McRose, J Miadlikowska, F Lutzoni, ...
New Phytologist 213 (2), 680-689, 2017
Alternative nitrogenase activity in the environment and nitrogen cycle implications
X Zhang, DL McRose, R Darnajoux, JP Bellenger, FMM Morel, ...
Biogeochemistry 127, 189-198, 2016
Molybdenum threshold for ecosystem scale alternative vanadium nitrogenase activity in boreal forests
R Darnajoux, N Magain, M Renaudin, F Lutzoni, JP Bellenger, X Zhang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (49), 24682-24688, 2019
Crochelins: Siderophores with an Unprecedented Iron‐Chelating Moiety from the Nitrogen‐Fixing Bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum
O Baars, X Zhang, MI Gibson, AT Stone, FMM Morel, ...
Angewandte Chemie 130 (2), 545-550, 2018
The role of oxygen in stimulating methane production in wetlands
JL Wilmoth, JK Schaefer, DR Schlesinger, SW Roth, PG Hatcher, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (22), 5831-5847, 2021
Localizing transcripts to single cells suggests an important role of uncultured deltaproteobacteria in the termite gut hydrogen economy
AZ Rosenthal, X Zhang, KS Lucey, EA Ottesen, V Trivedi, HMT Choi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (40), 16163-16168, 2013
Critical inundation level for methane emissions from wetlands
S Calabrese, A Garcia, JL Wilmoth, X Zhang, A Porporato
Environmental Research Letters 16 (4), 044038, 2021
Selenium controls transcription of paralogous formate dehydrogenase genes in the termite gut acetogen, Treponema primitia
EG Matson, X Zhang, JR Leadbetter
Environmental microbiology 12 (8), 2245-2258, 2010
Fate of DTPA, EDTA, and EDDS in hydroponic media and effects on plant mineral nutrition
TM Vadas, X Zhang, AM Curran, BA Ahner
Journal of Plant Nutrition 30 (8), 1229-1246, 2007
Genetic, structural, and functional diversity of low and high-affinity siderophores in strains of nitrogen fixing Azotobacter chroococcum
X Zhang, O Baars, FMM Morel
Metallomics 11 (1), 201-212, 2019
Carbon substrate re‐orders relative growth of a bacterium using Mo‐, V‐, or Fe‐nitrogenase for nitrogen fixation
KE Luxem, AML Kraepiel, L Zhang, JR Waldbauer, X Zhang
Environmental microbiology 22 (4), 1397-1408, 2020
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Articles 1–20