Andrzej Jaworski
Andrzej Jaworski
Marine Directorate
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Feeding habits of demersal fish in Icelandic waters: a multivariate approach
A Jaworski, SÁ Ragnarsson
ICES Journal of Marine Science 63 (9), 1682-1694, 2006
Distribution and structure of the population of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis Krøyer, on Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., under typical rearing conditions
A Jaworski, JC Holm
Aquaculture Research 23 (5), 577-589, 1992
Size-selective mortality in plaice and cod eggs: a new method in the study of egg mortality
AD Rijnsdorp, A Jaworski
ICES Journal of Marine Science 47 (2), 256-263, 1990
The effect of area closures on the demersal fish community off the east coast of Iceland
A Jaworski, J Solmundsson, SA Ragnarsson
ICES Journal of Marine Science 63 (5), 897-911, 2006
Development of a bioenergetics model for fish embryos and larvae during the yolk feeding period
A Jaworski, E Kamler
Journal of fish biology 60 (4), 785-809, 2002
Diet and feeding niches of juvenile Gadus morhua, Melanogrammus aeglefinus and Merlangius merlangus during the settlement transition in the northern North …
DK Demain, A Gallego, A Jaworski, IG Priede, EG Jones
Journal of Fish Biology 79 (1), 89-111, 2011
Fish assemblages inside and outside marine protected areas off northern Iceland: protection effects or environmental confounds?
A Jaworski, J Solmundsson, SA Ragnarsson
Fisheries Research 102 (1-2), 50-59, 2010
Fecundity of cod (Gadus morhua callarias L.) in the southern Baltic in the late 1990s
M Kosior, K Trella, A Jaworski
Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 31 (2), 55-75, 2001
Evaluation of methods for predicting mean weight-at-age: an application in forecasting yield of four haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) stocks in the Northeast Atlantic
A Jaworski
Fisheries research 109 (1), 61-73, 2011
The effect of hatching time on the bioenergetics of northern pike (Esox lucius) larvae from a single egg batch during the endogenous feeding period
A Trabelsi, A Jaworski, E Kamler, JN Gardeur, F Teletchea, H Ayadi, ...
Fish physiology and biochemistry 42, 593-606, 2016
Size selective mortality in plaice and cod eggs: A new approach to the study of egg-mortality?
A Jaworski, AD Rijnsdorp
CM Documents-ICES, 1989
West of four–effectiveness of Windsock area closure. Scottish Industry/Science Partnership (SISP)
A Jaworski, I Penny
Report, 2009
European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan: The North Sea Significant Web
SA Ragnarsson, A Jaworski, C Scott, O Paramor, GJ Piet
Marine Research Institute, 2006
Metabolism, food consumption, growth and food conversion of Shorthorn Sculpin
M Fonds, A Jaworski, A Iedema, PVD Puyl
Myoxocephalus scorpiusi, 1989
Benchmark Workshop on North Sea Stocks (WKNSEA)
L Alade, M Andersen, E Balestri, CW Berg, A Baudron, E Brown, S Cadrin, ...
ICES 3 (25), -, 2021
Stock-specific documentation of standard assessment procedures used by ICES. Stock Whiting in Division 27.6. a (West of Scotland)
A Jaworski
fisheries, 49, 2020
Stock Annex: whiting in Division 27.6. a (West of Scotland)
A Jaworski
The effectiveness and fishery benefits of area closures off Iceland estimated from tagging and survey data
J Solmundsson, SA Schopka, A Jaworski, SA Ragnarsson, ...
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Articles 1–18