Dylan Rassier
Dylan Rassier
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
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Cited by
Offshore profit shifting and domestic productivity measurement
F Guvenen, RJ Mataloni, DG Rassier, KJ Ruhl
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017
Effects of environmental regulation on actual and expected profitability
DG Rassier, D Earnhart
Ecological Economics 112, 129-140, 2015
Does the porter hypothesis explain expected future financial performance? The effect of clean water regulation on chemical manufacturing firms
DG Rassier, D Earnhart
Environmental and Resource Economics 45, 353-377, 2010
The effect of clean water regulation on profitability: Testing the Porter hypothesis
DG Rassier, D Earnhart
Land Economics 86 (2), 329-344, 2010
Offshore profit shifting and aggregate measurement: Balance of payments, foreign investment, productivity, and the labor share
F Guvenen, RJ Mataloni Jr, DG Rassier, KJ Ruhl
American Economic Review 112 (6), 1848-1884, 2022
Short‐run and long‐run implications of environmental regulation on financial performance
DG Rassier, D Earnhart
Contemporary Economic Policy 29 (3), 357-373, 2011
Multinational profit shifting and measures throughout economic accounts
J Bruner, DG Rassier, KJ Ruhl
The challenges of globalization in the measurement of national accounts, 2018
“Effective regulatory stringency” and firms’ profitability: the effects of effluent limits and government monitoring
D Earnhart, DG Rassier
Journal of Regulatory Economics 50, 111-145, 2016
Improving the SNA Treatment of Multinational Enterprises
DG Rassier
Review of Income and Wealth 63, S287-S320, 2017
The role of profits and income in the statistical discrepancy
DG Rassier
Survey of Current Business 92 (2), 8-22, 2012
Do trade unions affect compliance with environmental regulation?
DG Rassier
Available at SSRN 889400, 2006
Treatment of Data in National Accounts
DG Rassier, RJ Kornfeld, EH Strassner
BEA Advisory Committee. Burau of Economic Analysis, 2019
Valuing the us data economy using machine learning and online job postings
JBS Calderón, DG Rassier
US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2022
A formulary approach for attributing measured production to foreign affiliates of US parents
DG Rassier, J Koncz-Bruner
Measuring globalization: Better trade statistics for better policy 2, 229-62, 2015
Integrating the 2002 benchmark input-output accounts and the 2002 annual industry accounts
DG Rassier, TF Howells III, ET Morgan, NR Empey, CE Roesch
Survey of Current Business 87, 14-22, 2007
Treatment of research and development in economic accounts and in business accounts
D Rassier
BEA Briefing, 1-8, 2014
Implementing a reconciliation and balancing model in the US industry accounts
DG Rassier, T Howells, E Morgan, N Empey, C Roesch
BEA, 2007
Bringing actuarial measures of defined benefit pensions into the US national accounts
M Reinsdorf, D Lenze, D Rassier
Work. Pap., Int. Assoc. Res. Income Wealth, 33rd Gen. Conf. Rotterdam, Neth, 2014
Formulary measures for the US current account: accounting for transactions attributable to special purpose entities of multinational enterprises
DG Rassier
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 39 (4), 257-281, 2014
Improved measures of housing services for the US economic accounts
DG Rassier, BH Aten, EB Figueroa, S Kublashvili, BJ Smith, J York
Survey of Current Business, 2021
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Articles 1–20