Xia Xu
Xia Xu
Nanjing Forestry University, China
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Toward more realistic projections of soil carbon dynamics by Earth system models
Y Luo, A Ahlström, SD Allison, NH Batjes, V Brovkin, N Carvalhais, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30 (1), 40-56, 2016
Soil properties control decomposition of soil organic carbon: Results from data-assimilation analysis
X Xu, Z Shi, D Li, A Rey, H Ruan, JM Craine, J Liang, J Zhou, Y Luo
Geoderma 262, 235-242, 2016
Net primary productivity and rain‐use efficiency as affected by warming, altered precipitation, and clipping in a mixed‐grass prairie
X Xu, RA Sherry, S Niu, D Li, Y Luo
Global change biology 19 (9), 2753-2764, 2013
Long‐term, amplified responses of soil organic carbon to nitrogen addition worldwide
C Xu, X Xu, C Ju, HYH Chen, BJ Wilsey, Y Luo, W Fan
Global Change Biology 27 (6), 1170-1180, 2021
Global negative effects of nutrient enrichment on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, plant diversity and ecosystem multifunctionality
X Ma, Q Geng, H Zhang, C Bian, HYH Chen, D Jiang, X Xu
New Phytologist 229 (5), 2957-2969, 2021
Temperature sensitivity increases with soil organic carbon recalcitrance along an elevational gradient in the Wuyi Mountains, China
X Xu, Y Zhou, H Ruan, Y Luo, J Wang
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42 (10), 1811-1815, 2010
Leaf litter traits predominantly control litter decomposition in streams worldwide
M Zhang, X Cheng, Q Geng, Z Shi, Y Luo, X Xu
Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (10), 1469-1486, 2019
Plant community structure regulates responses of prairie soil respiration to decadal experimental warming
X Xu, Z Shi, D Li, X Zhou, RA Sherry, Y Luo
Global Change Biology 21 (10), 3846-3853, 2015
LiDAR applications to estimate forest biomass at individual tree scale: Opportunities, challenges and future perspectives
D Xu, H Wang, W Xu, Z Luan, X Xu
Forests 12 (5), 550, 2021
Gene-informed decomposition model predicts lower soil carbon loss due to persistent microbial adaptation to warming
X Guo, Q Gao, M Yuan, G Wang, X Zhou, J Feng, Z Shi, L Hale, L Wu, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4897, 2020
Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon mineralization along an elevation gradient in the Wuyi Mountains, China
G Wang, Y Zhou, X Xu, H Ruan, J Wang
PLoS One 8 (1), e53914, 2013
Evidence for long‐term shift in plant community composition under decadal experimental warming
Z Shi, R Sherry, X Xu, O Hararuk, L Souza, L Jiang, J Xia, J Liang, Y Luo
Journal of Ecology 103 (5), 1131-1140, 2015
Dual mechanisms regulate ecosystem stability under decade-long warming and hay harvest
Z Shi, X Xu, L Souza, K Wilcox, L Jiang, J Liang, J Xia, P García-Palacios, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11973, 2016
Interannual variability in responses of belowground net primary productivity (NPP) and NPP partitioning to long‐term warming and clipping in a tallgrass prairie
X Xu, S Niu, RA Sherry, X Zhou, J Zhou, Y Luo
Global Change Biology, 2012
Nitrous oxide emissions from cultivated black soil: A case study in Northeast China and global estimates using empirical model
Z Chen, W Ding, Y Luo, H Yu, Y Xu, C Muller, X Xu, T Zhu
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27, 1311-1326, 2014
Carbon quality and the temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition in a tallgrass prairie
X Xu, Y Luo, J Zhou
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2012
Soil organic matter dynamics in a North America tallgrass prairie after 9 yr of experimental warming
X Cheng, Y Luo, X Xu, R Sherry, Q Zhang
Biogeosciences 8, 1487-1498, 2011
Autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration responds asymmetrically to drought in a subtropical forest in the Southeast China
S Huang, G Ye, J Lin, K Chen, X Xu, H Ruan, F Tan, HYH Chen
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 123, 242-249, 2018
Variation of Soil Labile Organic Carbon Pools along an Elevational Gradient in the Wuyi Mountains, China
X Xu, X Cheng, Y Zhou, Y Luo, H Ruan, J Wang
Journal of Resources and Ecology 1 (4), 368-374, 2010
Soil depth and grassland origin cooperatively shape microbial community co‐occurrence and function
RN Upton, A Checinska Sielaff, KS Hofmockel, X Xu, HW Polley, ...
Ecosphere 11 (1), e02973, 2020
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Articles 1–20