Anne Soronen
Anne Soronen
Tampere University
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Cited by
Edutainment: From television and computers to digital television
S Walldén, A Soronen
Tampere: University of Tampere, 2004
Probing a proactive home: Challenges in researching and designing everyday smart environments
F Mäyrä, A Soronen, I Koskinen, K Kuusela, J Mikkonen, J Vanhala, ...
Human Technology 2 (2), 158-186, 2006
Emotional Labour in Magazine Work: Suppressing and evoking emotions as part of project-based teamwork
A Soronen
Journalism Practice 12 (3), 290-307, 2018
Platformed intimacies: Professional belonging on social media
A Soronen, A Koivunen
European Journal of Cultural Studies 25 (5), 1344-1360, 2022
Morphome: a constructive field study of proactive information technology in the home
I Koskinen, K Kuusela, K Battarbee, A Soronen, F Mäyrä, J Mikkonen, ...
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Designing interactive Systems, 179-188, 2006
Tavallisuudesta tyylikkyyteen?: Sukupuoli ja maku kodinmuutosohjelmissa
A Soronen
Helsingin yliopisto, 2011
And my microwave is a fox
A Soronen, O Sotamaa
Refelcting domestic environments and technologies by means of self …, 2004
Living in a zoo: bringing user experiences with technology to life
K Battarbee, A Soronen, F Mäyrä
Proceedings of the third Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction …, 2004
Mobile image messaging—anticipating the outlines of the usage culture
A Soronen, V Tuomisto
International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction, 359-363, 2002
Updating ordinary coziness: Finnish home makeovers as representations of self and family
A Soronen
Journal of Research in Gender Studies 4 (1), 915-929, 2014
The home in metamorphosis: A field study of proactive information technology at home
I Koskinen, K Kuusela, K Battarbee, A Soronen, F Mäyrä, J Mikkonen, ...
Proceedings of designing information systems, DIS, 2006
Haavoittuvuuden kudelmat: Digitaalinen subjekti ja haavoittuvuus datavetoista yhteiskuntaa käsittelevässä tutkimuskirjallisuudessa
J Hokkanen, A Soronen, K Talvitie-Lamberg, S Valtonen
Media & viestintä 44 (2), 2021
Anticipation as Platform Power: The Temporal Structuring of Digital Everyday Life
A Koivunen, K Nikunen, J Hokkanen, V Jaaksi, V Lehtinen, A Soronen, ...
Television & New Media 25 (2), 115-132, 2024
Adapting a probes approach for exploring domestic environments and practices
A Soronen, O Sotamaa
The metamorphosis of home: Research into the future of proactive …, 2005
Gendering of success: fashion designers in designer stories in the Finnish lifestyle magazine Gloria
A Soronen, T Mäntymäki
Feminist Media Studies 18 (2), 173-190, 2018
Studying Time through Visual Research Methods: Development of Dialogical Photo-Interview Method
A Soronen, N Koivunen
Työelämän viestintä: VAKKI-symposiumi XXXVIII. Vaasa 8.-9.2.2018., 132-146, 2018
Sisustusohjelmien kodit parannellun tavallisuuden näyttämöinä
A Soronen
Lähikuva 20 (2), 8-26, 2007
Metamorphosis of the Home: Proactive Information Technology as a Design Challenge
K Kuusela, I Koskinen, F Mäyrä, A Soronen
Nordes, 2005
Listening to and Living With Networked Media During a Pandemic
A Soronen, K Talvitie-Lamberg
Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies 12 (2), 297-321, 2021
Hyvä, paha deadline: mediatyön intensiivisyys pelinkehittäjien ja toimittajien deadline-puheessa
A Soronen, L Kääntä, M Koskela
Media-ja viestintätieteellinen seura MEVI ry, 2020
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Articles 1–20