Michael Etienne
Michael Etienne
Corning Incorporated
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Bezel-free display device using directional backlighting
M Entienne, J Gollier, DA Nolan
US Patent 8,950,883, 2015
Cylindrical vector beam generation from a multi elliptical core optical fiber
G Milione, HI Sztul, DA Nolan, J Kim, M Etienne, J McCarthy, J Wang, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, CTuB2, 2011
Bezel-concealing display covers and display devices
M Etienne, J Gollier, DA Nolan, WP Weeks
US Patent 9,588,264, 2017
Third-order nonlinear optical properties of a cadmiun sulfide-dendrimer nanocomposite
M Etienne, A Biney, AD Walser, R Dorsinville, DLV Bauer, V Balogh-Nair
Applied Physics Letters 87 (18), 2005
Curved bezel-concealing display device covers and bezel-free display devices
M Etienne, J Gollier, DA Nolan, WP Weeks
US Patent 9,244,282, 2016
Methods and apparatus for providing display components
DE Baker, M Etienne, SL Logunov, DA Nolan, W Senaratne, LA Zenteno
US Patent 9,618,680, 2017
Methods and apparatus for providing improved display components
M Etienne, RC Peterson, V Ravichandran, KA Wexell
US Patent 9,989,692, 2018
Nonlinear optical absorption in laser modified regions of fused silica substrates
A Walser, S Demos, M Etienne, R Dorsinville
Optics communications 240 (4-6), 417-421, 2004
Cylindrical Vector Beam Generation From A Multicore Optical Fiber
RR Alfano, M Etienne, G Milione, DA Nolan, H Sztul, J Wang
US Patent App. 13/809,618, 2013
Nonlinear transmission properties of nanostructures with single-wall carbon nanotubes and conductive polymers
H Han, J Chen, Y Diamant, M Etienne, A Walser, R Dorsinville, H Grebel
Applied Physics Letters 86 (5), 2005
Novel nonlinear three-dimensional distributed nanostructures with single-wall carbon nanotubes
H Han, J Chen, Y Diamant, H Grebel, M Etienne, R Dorsinville
Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals and Applications, FB4, 2004
Texture gradient for uniform light output from a transparent backlight
M Etienne, IG Roudas, A Tandia, AR Zakharian
US Patent App. 15/564,986, 2018
Nonlinear optical spectroscopy and imaging of photonic materials and nanostructures
M Etienne
City University of New York, 2007
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the third-order nonlinearity in CdS quantum dots in a dendrimer matrix
MJ Potasek, Y Gao, M Etienne, R Dorsinville, D Bauer, V Balogh-Nair
Quantum Dots, Particles, and Nanoclusters III 6129, 118-128, 2006
Optical and optoelectronic properties of inverse photonic crystals composed of single-wall carbon nanotubes and conductive polymers
J Chen, H Han, Y Diamant, H Grebel, M Etienne, R Dorsinville
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CWA38, 2004
Light diffusing component and a method of manufacturing a light diffusing component
M Etienne, MW Fenton, TE Myers, KA Wexell
US Patent 10,295,728, 2019
Bezel-free display device using directional backlighting
M Etienne, J Gollier, DA Nolan
Distributed p–n nano-interfaces
H Han, J Chen, Y Zhang, M Etienne, R Dorsinville, H Grebel
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (6), 065305, 2008
Experimental observation of the magnitude and sign of the third order optical nonlinearity in CdS quantum dots in a dendrimer matrix
M Etienne, AD Walser, R Dorsinville, DLV Bauer, V Balogh-Nair
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, JWB34, 2005
Optical trapping for fiber illumination
M Etienne, C Mazzali, WJ Miller, DA Nolan
US Patent 9,091,794, 2015
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Articles 1–20