Jeffrey Czapla-Myers
Jeffrey Czapla-Myers
Wyant College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona
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Landsat-8 operational land imager radiometric calibration and stability
B Markham, J Barsi, G Kvaran, L Ong, E Kaita, S Biggar, J Czapla-Myers, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (12), 12275-12308, 2014
RadCalNet: A radiometric calibration network for Earth observing imagers operating in the visible to shortwave infrared spectral range
M Bouvet, K Thome, B Berthelot, A Bialek, J Czapla-Myers, NP Fox, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (20), 2401, 2019
The ground-based absolute radiometric calibration of Landsat 8 OLI
J Czapla-Myers, J McCorkel, N Anderson, K Thome, S Biggar, D Helder, ...
Remote Sensing 7 (1), 600-626, 2015
Sentinel-2A MSI and Landsat-8 OLI radiometric cross comparison over desert sites
JA Barsi, B Alhammoud, J Czapla-Myers, F Gascon, MO Haque, ...
European Journal of Remote Sensing 51 (1), 822-837, 2018
Absolute radiometric calibration of the RapidEye multispectral imager using the reflectance-based vicarious calibration method
D Naughton, A Brunn, J Czapla-Myers, S Douglass, M Thiele, H Weichelt, ...
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 5 (1), 053544-053544-23, 2011
Vicarious calibration of Aqua and Terra MODIS
KJ Thome, JS Czapla-Myers, SF Biggar
Earth Observing Systems VIII 5151, 395-405, 2003
Radiometric calibration of earth-observing sensors using an automated test site at Railroad Valley, Nevada
JS Czapla-Myers, KJ Thome, NP Leisso
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 36 (5), 474-487, 2010
Design and calibration of field deployable ground-viewing radiometers
N Anderson, J Czapla-Myers, N Leisso, S Biggar, C Burkhart, R Kingston, ...
Applied Optics 52 (2), 231-240, 2013
Landsat-7 ETM+: 12 years on-orbit reflective-band radiometric performance
BL Markham, MO Haque, JA Barsi, E Micijevic, DL Helder, KJ Thome, ...
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 50 (5), 2056-2062, 2011
An inter-comparison exercise of Sentinel-2 radiometric validations assessed by independent expert groups
N Lamquin, E Woolliams, V Bruniquel, F Gascon, J Gorroņo, Y Govaerts, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 233, 111369, 2019
Recent surface reflectance measurement campaigns with emphasis on best practices, SI traceability and uncertainty estimation
D Helder, K Thome, D Aaron, L Leigh, J Czapla-Myers, N Leisso, S Biggar, ...
Metrologia 49 (2), S21, 2012
Temporal, spectral, and spatial study of the automated vicarious calibration test site at Railroad Valley, Nevada
JS Czapla-Myers, KJ Thome, BR Cocilovo, JT McCorkel, JH Buchanan
Earth Observing Systems XIII 7081, 161-169, 2008
Validation of EO-1 hyperion and advanced land imager using the radiometric calibration test site at Railroad Valley, Nevada
J Czapla-Myers, L Ong, K Thome, J McCorkel
IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote …, 2015
Design, calibration, and characterization of a field radiometer using light-emitting diodes as detectors
JS Czapla-Myers, KJ Thome, SF Biggar
Applied Optics 47 (36), 6753-6762, 2008
On-orbit radiometric calibration of Earth-observing sensors using the Radiometric Calibration Test Site (RadCaTS)
JS Czapla-Myers, NP Leisso, NJ Anderson, SF Biggar
Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and …, 2012
Ground viewing radiometer characterization, implementation and calibration applications: a summary after two years of field deployment
NJ Anderson, JS Czapla-Myers
Earth Observing Systems XVIII 8866, 185-194, 2013
Vicarious calibration of eMAS, AirMSPI, and AVIRIS sensors during FIREX-AQ
CJ Bruegge, GT Arnold, J Czapla-Myers, RA Dominguez, MC Helmlinger, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (12), 10286-10297, 2021
Design of an ultra-portable field transfer radiometer supporting automated vicarious calibration
N Anderson, K Thome, J Czapla-Myers, S Biggar
Earth Observing Systems XX 9607, 40-48, 2015
Implication of spatial uniformity on vicarious calibration using automated test sites
JS Czapla-Myers, KJ Thome, JH Buchanan
Earth Observing Systems XII 6677, 327-336, 2007
Earth-observing satellite intercomparison using the radiometric calibration test site at Railroad Valley
J Czapla-Myers, J McCorkel, N Anderson, S Biggar
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 12 (1), 012004-012004, 2018
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Articles 1–20