Paul H. White
Paul H. White
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The stereotyped task engagement process: The role of interest and achievement motivation.
JL Smith, C Sansone, PH White
Journal of Educational Psychology 99 (1), 99, 2007
An examination of implicitly activated, explicitly activated, and nullified stereotypes on mathematical performance: It's not just a woman's issue
JL Smith, PH White
Sex roles 47, 179-191, 2002
Flexible correction processes in social judgment: Implications for persuasion
RE Petty, DT Wegener, PH White
Social cognition 16 (1), 93-113, 1998
Race of source effects in the Elaboration Likelihood Model.
PH White, SG Harkins
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 67 (5), 790, 1994
Development of the domain identification measure: A tool for investigating stereotype threat effects
JL Smith, PH White
Educational and Psychological Measurement 61 (6), 1040-1057, 2001
Stigmatized sources and persuasion: Prejudice as a determinant of argument scrutiny.
RE Petty, MA Fleming, PH White
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 76 (1), 19, 1999
Variations of gender–math stereotype content affect women’s vulnerability to stereotype threat
DB Thoman, PH White, N Yamawaki, H Koishi
Sex roles 58, 702-712, 2008
Testing the contribution of self-evaluation to goal-setting effects.
PH White, MM Kjelgaard, SG Harkins
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 69 (1), 69, 1995
Investigating a measure of computer technology domain identification: A tool for understanding gender differences and stereotypes
JL Smith, CL Morgan, PH White
Educational and Psychological Measurement 65 (2), 336-355, 2005
Clinical validation and cognitive elaboration: Signs that encourage sustained recycling
CM Werner, R Stoll, P Birch, PH White
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 24 (3), 185-203, 2002
Stigmatized targets and evaluation: Prejudice as a determinant of attribute scrutiny and polarization
MA Fleming, RE Petty, PH White
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 31 (4), 496-507, 2005
Test of socially motivated underachievement:“Letting up” for others
PH White, DM Sanbonmatsu, RT Croyle, S Smittipatana
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 38 (2), 162-169, 2002
The role of internal and external sources of evaluation in motivating task performance
SG Harkins, PH White, CH Utman
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26 (1), 100-117, 2000
Signs that encourage internalized recycling: Clinical validation, weak messages and “creative elaboration”
CM Werner, PH White, S Byerly, R Stoll
Journal of Environmental Psychology 29 (2), 193-202, 2009
Depressive symptoms, anger/hostility, and relationship quality in young couples
J MacKenzie, TW Smith, B Uchino, PH White, KC Light, KM Grewen
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 33 (4), 380-396, 2014
Comparing predictors of sexual harassment proclivity between Japanese and US Men.
TF Stillman, N Yamawaki, RD Ridge, PH White, KJ Copley
Psychology of Men & Masculinity 10 (1), 30, 2009
Validation, persuasion and recycling: Capitalizing on the social ecology of newspaper use
CM Werner, S Byerly, PH White, M Kieffer
Basic and applied social psychology 26 (2-3), 183-198, 2004
On-Road vehicle study of the experience of automated driving
EH Cooley, DM Sanbonmatsu, DL Strayer, PH White, JM Cooper
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 87, 444-453, 2022
Domain Identification Measure--Computer Technology Version
JL Smith, CL Morgan, PH White
Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2005
Perceived changes in trait attributions to others and the self
DM Sanbonmatsu, T Adams, PH White
The Journal of Social Psychology, 1-19, 2022
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