Paul H. White
Paul H. White
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The stereotyped task engagement process: The role of interest and achievement motivation.
JL Smith, C Sansone, PH White
Journal of Educational Psychology 99 (1), 99, 2007
An examination of implicitly activated, explicitly activated, and nullified stereotypes on mathematical performance: It's not just a woman's issue
JL Smith, PH White
Sex roles 47, 179-191, 2002
Flexible correction processes in social judgment: Implications for persuasion
RE Petty, DT Wegener, PH White
Social cognition 16 (1), 93-113, 1998
Race of source effects in the Elaboration Likelihood Model.
PH White, SG Harkins
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 67 (5), 790, 1994
Stigmatized sources and persuasion: Prejudice as a determinant of argument scrutiny.
RE Petty, MA Fleming, PH White
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 76 (1), 19, 1999
Development of the domain identification measure: A tool for investigating stereotype threat effects
JL Smith, PH White
Educational and Psychological Measurement 61 (6), 1040-1057, 2001
Variations of gender–math stereotype content affect women’s vulnerability to stereotype threat
DB Thoman, PH White, N Yamawaki, H Koishi
Sex roles 58, 702-712, 2008
Testing the contribution of self-evaluation to goal-setting effects.
PH White, MM Kjelgaard, SG Harkins
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 69 (1), 69, 1995
Investigating a measure of computer technology domain identification: A tool for understanding gender differences and stereotypes
JL Smith, CL Morgan, PH White
Educational and Psychological Measurement 65 (2), 336-355, 2005
Clinical validation and cognitive elaboration: Signs that encourage sustained recycling
CM Werner, R Stoll, P Birch, PH White
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 24 (3), 185-203, 2002
Stigmatized targets and evaluation: Prejudice as a determinant of attribute scrutiny and polarization
MA Fleming, RE Petty, PH White
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 31 (4), 496-507, 2005
Test of socially motivated underachievement:“Letting up” for others
PH White, DM Sanbonmatsu, RT Croyle, S Smittipatana
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 38 (2), 162-169, 2002
Signs that encourage internalized recycling: Clinical validation, weak messages and “creative elaboration”
CM Werner, PH White, S Byerly, R Stoll
Journal of Environmental Psychology 29 (2), 193-202, 2009
The role of internal and external sources of evaluation in motivating task performance
SG Harkins, PH White, CH Utman
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26 (1), 100-117, 2000
Depressive symptoms, anger/hostility, and relationship quality in young couples
J MacKenzie, TW Smith, B Uchino, PH White, KC Light, KM Grewen
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 33 (4), 380-396, 2014
Comparing predictors of sexual harassment proclivity between Japanese and US Men.
TF Stillman, N Yamawaki, RD Ridge, PH White, KJ Copley
Psychology of Men & Masculinity 10 (1), 30, 2009
Validation, persuasion and recycling: Capitalizing on the social ecology of newspaper use
CM Werner, S Byerly, PH White, M Kieffer
Basic and applied social psychology 26 (2-3), 183-198, 2004
On-Road vehicle study of the experience of automated driving
EH Cooley, DM Sanbonmatsu, DL Strayer, PH White, JM Cooper
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 87, 444-453, 2022
Perceived changes in trait attributions to others and the self
DM Sanbonmatsu, T Adams, PH White
The Journal of Social Psychology, 1-19, 2022
Race of source effects in the elaboration likelihood model: the black source effect: a dissertation
PH White
Northeastern University, 1993
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