Himadri S. Samanta
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Cited by
Cell growth rate dictates the onset of glass to fluidlike transition and long time superdiffusion in an evolving cell colony
AN Malmi-Kakkada, X Li, HS Samanta, S Sinha, D Thirumalai
Physical Review X 8 (2), 021025, 2018
Charge fluctuation effects on the shape of flexible polyampholytes with applications to intrinsically disordered proteins
HS Samanta, D Chakraborty, D Thirumalai
The Journal of Chemical Physics 149 (16), 163323, 2018
Spatially heterogeneous dynamics of cells in a growing tumor spheroid: Comparison between Theory and Experiments
S Sinha, AN Malmi-Kakkada, X Li, HS Samanta, D Thirumalai
Soft Matter, 2020
Universal nature of collapsibility in the context of protein folding and evolution
D Thirumalai, HS Samanta, H Maity, G Reddy
Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2019
Protein collapse is encoded in the folded state architecture
HS Samanta, PI Zhuravlev, M Hinczewski, N Hori, S Chakrabarti, ...
Soft Matter 13 (19), 3622-3638, 2017
The critical Casimir force in the superfluid phase: effect of fluctuations
S Biswas, JK Bhattacharjee, HS Samanta, S Bhattacharyya, B Hu
New Journal of Physics 12 (6), 063039, 2010
Origin of superdiffusive behavior in a class of non-equilibrium systems
HS Samanta, D Thirumalai
Phys. Rev. E 99, 032401, 2019
On noise induced poincaré–andronov–Hopf bifurcation
HS Samanta, JK Bhattacharjee, A Bhattacharyay, S Chakraborty
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 24 (4), 2014
Optimal information transfer in enzymatic networks: A field theoretic formulation
HS Samanta, M Hinczewski, D Thirumalai
Physical Review E 96 (1), 012406, 2017
Growth models and models of turbulence: A stochastic quantization perspective
HS Samanta, JK Bhattacharjee, D Gangopadhyay
Physics Letters A 353 (2-3), 113-115, 2006
Exact solution of the Zwanzig-Lauritzen model of polymer crystallization under tension
HS Samanta, D Thirumalai
The Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (10), 2013
Casimir–Lifshitz interaction between dielectric heterostructures
A Azari, HS Samanta, R Golestanian
New Journal of Physics 11 (9), 093023, 2009
Brownian Motion-Past and Present
JK Bhattacharya, D Chakraborty, HS Samanta
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0511389, 2005
Nonequilibrium statistical physics with fictitious time
HS Samanta, JK Bhattacharjee
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (4 …, 2006
Far from equilibrium dynamics of tracer particles embedded in a growing multicellular spheroid
HS Samanta, S Sinha, D Thirumalai
arXiv:2003.12941, 2020
Approach to equilibrium in adiabatically evolving potentials
HS Samanta, JK Bhattacharjee, R Ramaswamy
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (5 …, 2004
Interstitial flows regulate collective cell migration heterogeneity through adhesion
HS Samanta
Physical Review Research 2, 013048, 2020
Giant Casimir non-equilibrium forces drive coil to globule transition in polymers
HS Samanta, ML Mugnai, TR Kirkpatrick, D Thirumalai
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 2788–2793, 2019
Fokker–Planck Equation: Long-Time Dynamics in Approach to Equilibrium
HS Samanta, JK Bhattacharjee
Phase Transitions 77 (8-10), 747-765, 2004
Observe without disturbing: tracer particles sense local stresses in cell collectives without affecting the cancer cell dynamics
S Sinha, H Samanta, D Thirumalai
Soft Matter 19 (28), 5385-5395, 2023
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Articles 1–20