Open, closed, and mixed networks of queues with different classes of customers F Baskett, KM Chandy, RR Muntz, FG Palacios Journal of the ACM (JACM) 22 (2), 248-260, 1975 | 3507 | 1975 |
STING: A statistical information grid approach to spatial data mining W Wang, J Yang, R Muntz Vldb 97, 186-195, 1997 | 2438 | 1997 |
A probabilistic room location service for wireless networked environments P Castro, P Chiu, T Kremenek, R Muntz Ubicomp 2001: Ubiquitous Computing: International Conference Atlanta Georgia …, 2001 | 859 | 2001 |
Moment: Maintaining closed frequent itemsets over a stream sliding window Y Chi, H Wang, PS Yu, RR Muntz Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'04), 59-66, 2004 | 628 | 2004 |
Staggered striping in multimedia information systems S Berson, S Ghandeharizadeh, R Muntz, X Ju ACM SIGMOD Record 23 (2), 79-90, 1994 | 474 | 1994 |
Smart kindergarten: sensor-based wireless networks for smart developmental problem-solving environments M Srivastava, R Muntz, M Potkonjak Proceedings of the 7th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2001 | 458 | 2001 |
Frequent subtree mining–an overview Y Chi, RR Muntz, S Nijssen, JN Kok Fundamenta Informaticae 66 (1-2), 161-198, 2005 | 342 | 2005 |
Adaptive piggybacking: A novel technique for data sharing in video-on-demand storage servers L Golubchik, JCS Lui, RR Muntz Multimedia systems 4, 140-155, 1996 | 328 | 1996 |
Performance analysis of disk arrays under failure RR Muntz, JCS Lui Computer Science Department, University of California, 1990 | 317 | 1990 |
Waiting time distributions for processor-sharing systems EG Coffman Jr, RR Muntz, H Trotter Journal of the ACM (JACM) 17 (1), 123-130, 1970 | 315 | 1970 |
A belief network model for IR BAN Ribeiro, R Muntz Proceedings of the 19th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 1996 | 311 | 1996 |
Locking and deadlock detection in distributed data bases DA Menasce, RR Muntz IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 195-202, 1979 | 294 | 1979 |
Preemptive scheduling of real-time tasks on multiprocessor systems RR Muntz, EG Coffman Jr Journal of the ACM (JACM) 17 (2), 324-338, 1970 | 263 | 1970 |
Reducing I/O demand in video-on-demand storage servers L Golubchik, JCS Lui, R Muntz Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on …, 1995 | 210 | 1995 |
Optimal preemptive scheduling on two-processor systems RR Muntz, EG Coffman IEEE Transactions on Computers 100 (11), 1014-1020, 1969 | 205 | 1969 |
Fault tolerant design of multimedia servers S Berson, L Golubchik, RR Muntz ACM SIGMOD Record 24 (2), 364-375, 1995 | 204 | 1995 |
Challenges in location-aware computing CA Patterson, RR Muntz, CM Pancake IEEE Pervasive Computing 2 (2), 80-89, 2003 | 197 | 2003 |
Mining closed and maximal frequent subtrees from databases of labeled rooted trees Y Chi, Y Xia, Y Yang, RR Muntz IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 17 (2), 190-202, 2005 | 192 | 2005 |
Comparing random data allocation and data striping in multimedia servers JR Santos, RR Muntz, B Ribeiro-Neto ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 28 (1), 44-55, 2000 | 178 | 2000 |
HybridTreeMiner: An efficient algorithm for mining frequent rooted trees and free trees using canonical forms Y Chi, Y Yang, RR Muntz Proceedings. 16th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical …, 2004 | 171 | 2004 |