Richard R. Muntz
Richard R. Muntz
Professor of Computer Science, UCLA
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Open, closed, and mixed networks of queues with different classes of customers
F Baskett, KM Chandy, RR Muntz, FG Palacios
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 22 (2), 248-260, 1975
STING: A statistical information grid approach to spatial data mining
W Wang, J Yang, R Muntz
Vldb 97, 186-195, 1997
A probabilistic room location service for wireless networked environments
P Castro, P Chiu, T Kremenek, R Muntz
Ubicomp 2001: Ubiquitous Computing: International Conference Atlanta Georgia …, 2001
Moment: Maintaining closed frequent itemsets over a stream sliding window
Y Chi, H Wang, PS Yu, RR Muntz
Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'04), 59-66, 2004
Staggered striping in multimedia information systems
S Berson, S Ghandeharizadeh, R Muntz, X Ju
ACM SIGMOD Record 23 (2), 79-90, 1994
Smart kindergarten: sensor-based wireless networks for smart developmental problem-solving environments
M Srivastava, R Muntz, M Potkonjak
Proceedings of the 7th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2001
Frequent subtree mining–an overview
Y Chi, RR Muntz, S Nijssen, JN Kok
Fundamenta Informaticae 66 (1-2), 161-198, 2005
Adaptive piggybacking: A novel technique for data sharing in video-on-demand storage servers
L Golubchik, JCS Lui, RR Muntz
Multimedia systems 4, 140-155, 1996
Performance analysis of disk arrays under failure
RR Muntz, JCS Lui
Computer Science Department, University of California, 1990
Waiting time distributions for processor-sharing systems
EG Coffman Jr, RR Muntz, H Trotter
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 17 (1), 123-130, 1970
A belief network model for IR
BAN Ribeiro, R Muntz
Proceedings of the 19th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 1996
Locking and deadlock detection in distributed data bases
DA Menasce, RR Muntz
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 195-202, 1979
Preemptive scheduling of real-time tasks on multiprocessor systems
RR Muntz, EG Coffman Jr
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 17 (2), 324-338, 1970
Reducing I/O demand in video-on-demand storage servers
L Golubchik, JCS Lui, R Muntz
Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on …, 1995
Optimal preemptive scheduling on two-processor systems
RR Muntz, EG Coffman
IEEE Transactions on Computers 100 (11), 1014-1020, 1969
Fault tolerant design of multimedia servers
S Berson, L Golubchik, RR Muntz
ACM SIGMOD Record 24 (2), 364-375, 1995
Challenges in location-aware computing
CA Patterson, RR Muntz, CM Pancake
IEEE Pervasive Computing 2 (2), 80-89, 2003
Mining closed and maximal frequent subtrees from databases of labeled rooted trees
Y Chi, Y Xia, Y Yang, RR Muntz
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 17 (2), 190-202, 2005
Comparing random data allocation and data striping in multimedia servers
JR Santos, RR Muntz, B Ribeiro-Neto
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 28 (1), 44-55, 2000
HybridTreeMiner: An efficient algorithm for mining frequent rooted trees and free trees using canonical forms
Y Chi, Y Yang, RR Muntz
Proceedings. 16th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical …, 2004
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Articles 1–20