Susel Fernández Melián
Cited by
Cited by
Ontology-based architecture for intelligent transportation systems using a traffic sensor network
S Fernandez, R Hadfi, T Ito, I Marsa-Maestre, JR Velasco
Sensors 16 (8), 1287, 2016
Optimized sensor network and multi-agent decision support for smart traffic light management
L Cruz-Piris, D Rivera, S Fernandez, I Marsa-Maestre
Sensors 18 (2), 435, 2018
Distributed approach for smartgrids reconfiguration based on the OSPF routing protocol
FJ Rodriguez, S Fernandez, I Sanz, M Moranchel, EJ Bueno
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (2), 864-871, 2015
Driver classification for intelligent transportation systems using fuzzy logic
S Fernandez, T Ito
2016 IEEE 19th international conference on intelligent transportation …, 2016
Ontology alignment architecture for semantic sensor web integration
S Fernandez, I Marsa-Maestre, JR Velasco, B Alarcos
Sensors 13 (9), 12581-12604, 2013
Driver behavior model based on ontology for intelligent transportation systems
S Fernandez, T Ito
2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and …, 2015
Architecture for intelligent transportation system based in a general traffic ontology
S Fernandez, T Ito, R Hadfi
Computer and Information Science 2015, 43-55, 2016
Using SSN ontology for automatic traffic light settings on inteligent transportation systems
S Fernandez, T Ito
2016 IEEE International Conference on Agents (ICA), 106-107, 2016
A fuzzy rule-based system for ontology mapping
S Fernández, JR Velasco, MA López-Carmona
Principles of Practice in Multi-Agent Systems: 12th International Conference …, 2009
Reconfiguration algorithm to reduce power losses in offshore HVDC transmission lines
I Sanz, M Moranchel, J Moriano, FJ Rodríguez, S Fernandez
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (4), 3034-3043, 2017
A fuzzy method for ontology alignment
S Fernández, J Velasco, I Marsa-Maestre, MA Lopez-Carmona
Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and …, 2012
Semantic integration of sensor data with SSN ontology in a multi-agent architecture for intelligent transportation systems
S Fernandez, T Ito
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 100 (12), 2915-2922, 2017
Autonomous agents and multiagent systems
G Sukthankar, JA Rodriguez-Aguilar
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10642, 10642, 2017
Fuzzy ontology-based system for driver behavior classification
S Fernandez, T Ito, L Cruz-Piris, I Marsa-Maestre
Sensors 22 (20), 7954, 2022
Intelligent Traffic Light Management using Multi-Behavioral Agents
L Cruz-Piris, D Rivera, I Marsá-Maestre, E De la Hoz, S Fernandez
XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería telemática (JITEL 2017). Libro de actas, 110-117, 2018
On the Benefits of Channel Bonding in Dense, Decentralized Wi‐Fi 4 Networks
JM Gimenez-Guzman, I Marsa-Maestre, D Orden, S Fernandez, ...
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 (1), 8497585, 2022
Performing ontology alignment via a fuzzy-logic multi-layer architecture
S Fernández, I Marsa-Maestre, JR Velasco
Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 4th …, 2013
A novel method for automatic detection and classification of movement patterns in short duration playing activities
D Rivera, L Cruz-Piris, S Fernandez, B Alarcos, A Garcia, JR Velasco
IEEE Access 6, 53409-53425, 2018
Multi-layer agent-based architecture for smart grid reconfiguration
I Sanz, S Fernández, FJ Rodríguez, M Moranchel, C Girón, C Mataix, ...
IECON 2014-40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2014
An Ontology to support automated negotiation
S Fernandez, T Ito
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.10433, 2017
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Articles 1–20