Max Wyman
Max Wyman
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Static spherically symmetric scalar fields in general relativity
M Wyman
Physical Review D 24 (4), 839, 1981
Houston's method and its application to the calculation of characteristic temperatures of cubic crystals
DD Betts, AB Bhatia, M Wyman
Physical Review 104 (1), 37, 1956
Dynamic Formation of a Hot Field Reversed Configuration with Improved Confinement <?format ?>by Supersonic Merging of Two Colliding High- Compact Toroids
MW Binderbauer, HY Guo, M Tuszewski, S Putvinski, L Sevier, D Barnes, ...
Physical review letters 105 (4), 045003, 2010
Radially symmetric distributions of matter
M Wyman
Physical Review 75 (12), 1930, 1949
On solutions of xd= 1 in symmetric groups
L Moser
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 7, 159-168, 1955
An asymptotic formula for the Bell numbers
L Moser, M Wyman
Royal Society of Canada, 1955
High confinement plasmas in the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed-field pinch
BE Chapman, AF Almagri, JK Anderson, TM Biewer, PK Chattopadhyay, ...
Physics of Plasmas 9 (5), 2061-2068, 2002
Formation of a long-lived hot field reversed configuration by dynamically merging two colliding high-β compact toroids
HY Guo, MW Binderbauer, D Barnes, S Putvinski, N Rostoker, L Sevier, ...
Physics of Plasmas 18 (5), 2011
Asymptotic development of the Stirling numbers of the first kind
L Moser, M Wyman
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 1 (2), 133-146, 1958
Field Reversed Configuration Confinement Enhancement through Edge Biasing<? format?> and Neutral Beam Injection
M Tuszewski, A Smirnov, MC Thompson, S Korepanov, T Akhmetov, ...
Physical review letters 108 (25), 255008, 2012
Tokamak-like confinement at a high beta and low toroidal field in the MST reversed field pinch
JS Sarff, AF Almagri, JK Anderson, TM Biewer, AP Blair, M Cengher, ...
Nuclear fusion 43 (12), 1684, 2003
The velociprobe: An ultrafast hard x-ray nanoprobe for high-resolution ptychographic imaging
J Deng, C Preissner, JA Klug, S Mashrafi, C Roehrig, Y Jiang, Y Yao, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (8), 2019
Unified field theory
M Wyman
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2, 427-439, 1950
The asymptotic evaluation of certain integrals
A Erdélyi, M Wyman
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 14, 217-260, 1963
Stirling numbers of the second kind
L Moser, M Wyman
Equations of state for radially symmetric distributions of matter
M Wyman
Physical Review 70 (5-6), 396, 1946
A new high performance field reversed configuration operating regime in the C-2 device
M Tuszewski, A Smirnov, MC Thompson, T Akhmetov, A Ivanov, ...
Physics of Plasmas 19 (5), 2012
Asymptotic expansions
L Moser, M Wyman
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 8, 225-233, 1956
Improved-confinement plasmas at high temperature and high beta in the MST RFP
BE Chapman, JW Ahn, AF Almagri, JK Anderson, F Bonomo, DL Brower, ...
Nuclear fusion 49 (10), 104020, 2009
Pellet injectors developed at PELIN for JET, TAE and HL-2A
I Vinyar, A Geraud, M Wyman, L Dequan, A Lukin, A Umov, S Skoblikov, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 86 (9-11), 2208-2211, 2011
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Articles 1–20