Wenwen Lin
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Cited by
Perovskite CsPbBr3 single crystal detector for alpha-particle spectroscopy
Y He, Z Liu, KM McCall, W Lin, DY Chung, BW Wessels, MG Kanatzidis
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2019
α-Particle Detection and Charge Transport Characteristics in the A3M2I9 Defect Perovskites (A = Cs, Rb; M = Bi, Sb)
KM McCall, Z Liu, G Trimarchi, CC Stoumpos, W Lin, Y He, I Hadar, ...
ACS Photonics 5 (9), 3748-3762, 2018
Hydrothermal growth of ZnO single crystals with high carrier mobility
W Lin, D Chen, J Zhang, Z Lin, J Huang, W Li, Y Wang, F Huang
Crystal Growth & Design 9 (10), 4378-4383, 2009
Zero-Dimensional Cs2TeI6 Perovskite: Solution-Processed Thick Films with High X-ray Sensitivity
Y Xu, B Jiao, TB Song, CC Stoumpos, Y He, I Hadar, W Lin, W Jie, ...
ACS Photonics 6 (1), 196-203, 2018
Research progress in ZnO single-crystal: growth, scientific understanding, and device applications
F Huang, Z Lin, W Lin, J Zhang, K Ding, Y Wang, Q Zheng, Z Zhan, F Yan, ...
Chinese science bulletin 59 (12), 1235-1250, 2014
Defect Antiperovskite Compounds Hg3Q2I2 (Q = S, Se, and Te) for Room-Temperature Hard Radiation Detection
Y He, OY Kontsevoi, CC Stoumpos, GG Trimarchi, SM Islam, Z Liu, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (23), 7939-7951, 2017
TlSn2I5, a Robust Halide Antiperovskite Semiconductor for γ-Ray Detection at Room Temperature
W Lin, CC Stoumpos, Z Liu, S Das, OY Kontsevoi, Y He, CD Malliakas, ...
ACS Photonics 4 (7), 1805-1813, 2017
Hard Radiation Detection from the Selenophosphate Pb2P2Se6
PL Wang, Z Liu, P Chen, JA Peters, G Tan, J Im, W Lin, AJ Freeman, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (30), 4874-4881, 2015
The growth and investigation on Ga-doped ZnO single crystals with high thermal stability and high carrier mobility
W Lin, K Ding, Z Lin, J Zhang, J Huang, F Huang
CrystEngComm 13 (10), 3338-3341, 2011
Ultraviolet-light-induced bactericidal mechanism on ZnO single crystals
Y Wang, F Huang, D Pan, B Li, D Chen, W Lin, X Chen, R Li, Z Lin
Chemical Communications, 6783-6785, 2009
Two-photon-pumped stimulated emission from ZnO single crystal
TC He, R Chen, WW Lin, F Huang, HD Sun
Applied Physics Letters 99 (8), 081902, 2011
Charge Transport and Observation of Persistent Photoconductivity in Tl6SeI4 Single Crystals
S Das, JA Peters, W Lin, SS Kostina, P Chen, JI Kim, MG Kanatzidis, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 8 (7), 1538-1544, 2017
Cu2I2Se6: A Metal–Inorganic Framework Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor for Photon Detection at Room Temperature
W Lin, CC Stoumpos, OY Kontsevoi, Z Liu, Y He, S Das, Y Xu, KM McCall, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (5), 1894-1899, 2018
Semiconducting Pavonites CdMBi4Se8 (M = Sn and Pb) and Their Thermoelectric Properties
J Zhao, SM Islam, S Hao, G Tan, X Su, H Chen, W Lin, R Li, C Wolverton, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (19), 8494-8503, 2017
Photoluminescence fatigue and inhomogeneous line broadening in semi-insulating Tl6SeI4 single crystals
SS Kostina, JA Peters, W Lin, P Chen, Z Liu, PL Wang, MG Kanatzidis, ...
Semiconductor Science and Technology 31 (6), 065009, 2016
Role of Stoichiometry in the Growth of Large Pb2P2Se6 Crystals for Nuclear Radiation Detection
Y Xu, X Fu, H Zheng, Y He, W Lin, KM McCall, Z Liu, S Das, BW Wessels, ...
ACS Photonics 5 (2), 566-573, 2017
Impurity-induced deep centers in Tl6SI4
H Shi, W Lin, MG Kanatzidis, C Szeles, MH Du
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (14), 145102, 2017
Ultraviolet/violet dual-color electroluminescence based on n-ZnO single crystal/p-GaN direct-contact light-emitting diode
S Li, W Lin, G Fang, F Huang, H Huang, H Long, X Mo, H Wang, W Guan, ...
Journal of Luminescence 140, 110-113, 2013
TlSbS2: a Semiconductor for Hard Radiation Detection
W Lin, H Chen, J He, CC Stoumpos, Z Liu, S Das, JIL Kim, KM McCall, ...
ACS Photonics 4 (11), 2891-2898, 2017
Controlling the Vapor Transport Crystal Growth of Hg3Se2I2 Hard Radiation Detector Using Organic Polymer
Y He, GCB Alexander, S Das, Z Liu, I Hadar, KM McCall, W Lin, Y Xu, ...
Crystal Growth & Design, 2019
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Articles 1–20