Lyuzhou Ye (叶绿洲)
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Cited by
HEOM‐QUICK: a program for accurate, efficient, and universal characterization of strongly correlated quantum impurity systems
LZ Ye, X Wang, D Hou, RX Xu, X Zheng, YJ Yan
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science 6 (6), 608-638, 2016
Improving the efficiency of hierarchical equations of motion approach and application to coherent dynamics in Aharonov–Bohm interferometers
D Hou, S Wang, R Wang, LZ Ye, RX Xu, X Zheng, YJ Yan
The Journal of Chemical Physics 142 (10), 2015
Probing molecular chirality by orbital-angular-momentum-carrying x-ray pulses
L Ye, JR Rouxel, S Asban, B Rösner, S Mukamel
Journal of chemical theory and computation 15 (7), 4180-4186, 2019
Thermopower of few-electron quantum dots with Kondo correlations
LZ Ye, D Hou, R Wang, D Cao, X Zheng, YJ Yan
Physical Review B 90 (16), 165116, 2014
Precise control of local spin states in an adsorbed magnetic molecule with an STM tip: theoretical insights from first-principles-based simulation
X Wang, L Yang, LZ Ye, X Zheng, YJ Yan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 (9), 2418-2425, 2018
Local temperatures of strongly-correlated quantum dots out of equilibrium
LZ Ye, D Hou, X Zheng, YJ Yan, M Di Ventra
Physical Review B 91 (20), 205106, 2015
Low-frequency logarithmic discretization of the reservoir spectrum for improving the efficiency of hierarchical equations of motion approach
LZ Ye, HD Zhang, Y Wang, X Zheng, YJ Yan
The Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (7), 2017
Thermodynamic meaning of local temperature of nonequilibrium open quantum systems
LZ Ye, X Zheng, YJ Yan, M Di Ventra
Physical Review B 94 (24), 245105, 2016
Enhancing Circular Dichroism Signals with Vector Beams
L Ye, L Yang, X Zheng, S Mukamel
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 123001, 2021
On the practical truncation tier of fermionic hierarchical equations of motion
X Ding, D Zhang, L Ye, X Zheng, YJ Yan
The Journal of Chemical Physics 157 (22), 2022
Understanding the sub-meV precision-tuning of magnetic anisotropy of single-molecule junction
F Uzma, L Yang, D He, X Wang, S Hu, L Ye, X Zheng, YJ Yan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (12), 6990-6997, 2021
Interferometric two-photon-absorption spectroscopy with three entangled photons
L Ye, S Mukamel
Applied Physics Letters 116 (17), 2020
Hierarchical equations of motion approach for accurate characterization of spin excitations in quantum impurity systems
D Zhang, L Zuo, L Ye, ZH Chen, Y Wang, RX Xu, X Zheng, YJ Yan
The Journal of Chemical Physics 158 (1), 2023
Origin of asymmetric splitting of Kondo peak in spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy: Insights from first-principles-based simulations
Q Zhuang, X Wang, L Ye, YJ Yan, X Zheng
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (9), 2094-2100, 2022
Magnet-free time-resolved magnetic circular dichroism with pulsed vector beams
J Cao, L Ye, D He, X Zheng, S Mukamel
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (48), 11300-11306, 2022
Imaging electron-density fluctuations by multidimensional X-ray photon-coincidence diffraction
L Ye, JR Rouxel, D Cho, S Mukamel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (2), 395-400, 2019
Quantum entanglement of parallel-coupled double quantum dots: A theoretical study using the hierarchical equations of motion approach
H Gong, A Ullah, LZ Ye, X Zheng, YJ Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 31 (4), 510-516, 2018
Unveiling the decisive factor for the sharp transition in the scanning tunneling spectroscopy of a single nickelocene molecule
L Zuo, Q Zhuang, L Ye, YJ Yan, X Zheng
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (48), 11262-11270, 2022
Recent advances in fermionic hierarchical equations of motion method for strongly correlated quantum impurity systems
J Cao, L Ye, R Xu, X Zheng, Y Yan
JUSTC 53 (3), 0302-1-0302-18, 2023
Effect of quantum resonances on local temperature in nonequilibrium open systems
X Zeng, L Ye, D Zhang, RX Xu, X Zheng, M Di Ventra
Physical Review B 103 (8), 085411, 2021
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Articles 1–20