Andrews Samraj
Andrews Samraj
Dean R&D, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
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Evaluation of Methods for Estimating Fractal Dimension in Motor Imagery‐Based Brain Computer Interface
CK Loo, A Samraj, GC Lee
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2011 (1), 724697, 2011
Biometric template protection using watermarking with hidden password encryption
MR Islam, MS Sayeed, A Samraj
2008 International Symposium on Information Technology 1, 1-8, 2008
Cognitive task difficulty analysis using EEG and data mining
A Duraisingam, R Palaniappan, S Andrews
2017 Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS), 52-57, 2017
Motor imaginary signal classification using adaptive recursive bandpass filter and adaptive autoregressive models for brain machine interface designs
V Jeyabalan, A Samraj, LC Kiong
International Journal of Bioengineering and Life Sciences 1 (5), 242-249, 2007
Forgery detection in dynamic signature verification by entailing principal component analysis
S Sayeed, S Andrews, R Besar, LC Kiong
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2007 (1), 070756, 2007
Dynamic clustering estimation of tool flank wear in turning process using SVD models of the emitted sound signals
A Samraj, S Sayeed, JE Raja, J Hossen, A Rahman
International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 5 (8 …, 2011
Real-time face recognition for attendance monitoring system
S Sayeed, J Hossen, SMA Kalaiarasi, V Jayakumar, I Yusof, A Samraj
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 95 (1), 24, 2017
Enhancing P300 component by spectral power ratio principal components for a single trial brain-computer interface
S Andrews, R Palaniappan, A Teoh, LC Kiong
American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (6), 639-644, 2008
Enhancement in the design of biometric identification system based on photoplethysmography data
NSGR Salanke, N Maheswari, A Samraj, S Sadhasivam
Green High Performance Computing (ICGHPC), 2013 IEEE International …, 2013
Tool flank wear condition monitoring during turning process by SVD analysis on emitted sound signal
E Raja, S Sayeed, A Samraj, LC Kiong, LW Soong
Eur J Sci Res 49 (4), 503-509, 2011
PIN generation using single channel EEG biometric
R Palaniappan, J Gosalia, K Revett, A Samraj
Advances in Computing and Communications: First International Conference …, 2011
Emergency gesture communication by patients, elderly and differently abled with care takers using wearable data gloves
K Rajendran, A Samraj, M Rajavel
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
An enhanced intrinsic biometric in identifying people by photopleythsmography signal
NS Girish Rao Salanke, N Maheswari, A Samraj
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image …, 2013
Unsupervised hybrid PSO-Quick reduct approach for feature reduction
H Hannah Inbarani, PK Nizar Banu, S Andrews
Recent Trends In Information Technology (ICRTIT), 2012 International …, 2012
Online hand signature verification: a review
S Sayeed, A Samraj, R Besar, J Hossen
Journal of Applied Sciences 10 (15), 1632-1643, 2010
Performance Analysis of Hard and Soft Clustering Approaches for Gene Expression Data
S.Andrews, Nizar banu
International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis 2 (1), 58-70, 2015
Improving the feature stability and classification performance of bimodal brain and heart biometrics
R Palaniappan, S Andrews, IP Sillitoe, T Shira, R Paramesran
Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems …, 2016
Gene clustering using metaheuristic optimization algorithms
PKN Banu, S Andrews
International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC) 6 (4), 14-38, 2015
Potential Fishing Zone Estimation by Rough Cluster Predictions
MR Sharath Jagannathan, Andrews Samraj
Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and …, 2012
Technology review: image enhancement, feature extraction and template protection of a fingerprint authentication system
MR Islam, MS Sayeed, A Samraj
Journal of Applied Sciences(Faisalabad) 10 (14), 1397-1404, 2010
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Articles 1–20