Hiroko Terasawa
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Cited by
Perceptual distance in timbre space
H Terasawa, M Slaney, J Berger
Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD05), 1-8, 2005
The thirteen colors of timbre
H Terasawa, M Slaney, J Berger
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics …, 2005
Collaborating in isolation: assessing the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on patterns of collaborative behavior among working musicians
NR Fram, V Goudarzi, H Terasawa, J Berger
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 674246, 2021
The sound of smile: Auditory biofeedback of facial EMG activity
Y Nakayama, Y Takano, M Matsubara, K Suzuki, H Terasawa
Displays 47, 32-39, 2017
Reverberation echo density psychoacoustics
P Huang, JS Abel, H Terasawa, J Berger
Audio Engineering Society Convention 125, 2008
Generating an Integrated Musical Expression with a Brain-Computer Interface.
T Hamano, TM Rutkowski, H Terasawa, K Okanoya, K Furukawa
NIME, 49-54, 2013
In search of a perceptual metric for timbre: Dissimilarity judgments among synthetic sounds with MFCC-derived spectral envelopes
H Terasawa, J Berger, S Makino
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 60 (9), 674-685, 2012
A timbre space for speech.
H Terasawa, M Slaney, J Berger
Interspeech, 1729-1732, 2005
The Japanese translation of the Gold-MSI: Adaptation and validation of the self-report questionnaire of musical sophistication
M Sadakata, Y Yamaguchi, C Ohsawa, M Matsubara, H Terasawa, ...
Musicae Scientiae 27 (3), 798-810, 2023
Wearable auditory biofeedback device for blind and sighted individuals
M Matsubara, T Oba, H Kadone, H Terasawa, K Suzuki, M Iguchi
IEEE MultiMedia 22 (1), 68-73, 2015
Sonification of muscular activity in human movements using the temporal patterns in EMG
M Matsubara, H Terasawa, H Kadone, K Suzuki, S Makino
Proceedings of the 2012 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing …, 2012
A statistical model of timbre perception.
H Terasawa, M Slaney, J Berger
Inter-subject differences in personalized technical ear training and the influence of an individually optimized training sequence
S Kim, T Kaniwa, H Terasawa, T Yamada, S Makino
Acoustical Science and Technology 34 (6), 424-431, 2013
A hybrid model for timbre perception: quantitative representations of sound color and density
HS Terasawa
Stanford University, 2010
Guiding auditory attention toward the subtle components in electrocardiography sonification.
H Terasawa, Y Morimoto, M Matsubara, A Sato, M Ohara, M Kawarasaki
ICAD, 231-235, 2015
Investigating time-frequency representations for audio feature extraction in singing technique classification
Y Yamamoto, J Nam, H Terasawa, Y Hiraga
2021 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual …, 2021
The effectiveness of auditory biofeedback on a tracking task for ankle joint movements in rehabilitation
M Matsubara, H Kadone, M Iguchi, H Terasawa, K Suzuki
Proceedings of the ISON 2013 Interactive Sonification workshop, 2013
Sonifying ECOG seizure data with overtone mapping: A strategy for creating auditory gestalt from correlated multichannel data
H Terasawa, J Parvizi, C Chafe
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012
Deformable cnn and imbalance-aware feature learning for singing technique classification
Y Yamamoto, J Nam, H Terasawa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.12230, 2022
The effect of musical experience on rhythm perception for hearing-impaired undergraduates
M Matsubara, H Terasawa, R Hiraga
2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2014
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Articles 1–20