G. M. Mikheev / Михеев Геннадий Михайлович
G. M. Mikheev / Михеев Геннадий Михайлович
Other namesГ. М. Михеев, Gennady M. Mikheev, Gennady Mikheev
Лазерная лаборатория, Удмуртский федеральный исследовательский центр, Уральское отделение РАН
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Photon-drag effect in single-walled carbon nanotube films
GM Mikheev, AG Nasibulin, RG Zonov, A Kaskela, EI Kauppinen
Nano letters 12 (1), 77-83, 2012
Efficient passively Q-switched single-frequency YAG: Nd3+ laser with polarized coupling out of radiation
GM Mikheev, DI Maleev, TN Mogileva
Quantum Electronics 22 (1), 37-39, 1992
Giant optical rectification effect in nanocarbon films
GM Mikheev, RG Zonov, AN Obraztsov, YP Svirko
Applied Physics Letters 84 (24), 4854-4856, 2004
Polarization-sensitive photoresponse of nanographite
PA Obraztsov, GM Mikheev, SV Garnov, AN Obraztsov, YP Svirko
Applied Physics Letters 98 (9), 2011
Interplay of the photon drag and the surface photogalvanic effects in the metal-semiconductor nanocomposite
GM Mikheev, AS Saushin, VM Styapshin, YP Svirko
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 8644, 2018
Influence of the polarization of radiation on the energy characteristics and threshold of stimulated Raman scattering due to rotational transitions
GV Venkin, YA Il'inskiĭ, GM Mikheev
Quantum Electronics 15 (3), 395-397, 1985
Size effect on the optical limiting in suspensions of detonation nanodiamond clusters
V Vanyukov, T Mogileva, G Mikheev, A Puzir, V Bondar, Y Svirko
Applied optics 52 (18), 4123-4130, 2013
Light-induced EMF in silver-palladium film resistors
GM Mikheev, RG Zonov, VA Aleksandrov
Technical Physics Letters 36 (7), 675-678, 2010
Optical limiting and bleaching effects in a suspension of onion-like carbon
GM Mikheev, VL Kuznetsov, DL Bulatov, TN Mogileva, SI Moseenkov, ...
Quantum Electronics 39 (4), 342, 2009
Nanographite analyzer of laser polarization
GM Mikheev, VM Styapshin
Instruments and Experimental Techniques 55, 85-89, 2012
Nonlinear scattering of light in nanodiamond hydrosol
GM Mikheev, AP Puzyr’, VV Vanyukov, KV Purtov, TN Mogileva, ...
Technical Physics Letters 36, 358-361, 2010
Optical rectification effect in nanocarbon films
GM Mikheev, RG Zonov, AN Obraztsov, YP Svirko
Technical physics letters 30 (9), 750-752, 2004
Circular photogalvanic effect observed in silver-palladium film resistors
GM Mikheev, VA Aleksandrov, AS Saushin
Technical Physics Letters 37 (6), 551-555, 2011
Effect of laser light polarisation on the dc photovoltage response of nanographite films
GM Mikheev, VM Styapshin, PA Obraztsov, EA Khestanova, SV Garnov
Quantum Electronics 40 (5), 425-430, 2010
Quick-response film photodetector of high-power laser radiation based on the optical rectification effect
GM Mikheev, RG Zonov, AN Obraztsov, AP Volkov, YP Svirko
Technical physics 51 (9), 1190-1196, 2006
Femtosecond circular photon drag effect in the Ag/Pd nanocomposite
GM Mikheev, AS Saushin, VV Vanyukov, KG Mikheev, YP Svirko
Nanoscale Research Letters 12, 1-7, 2017
Helicity-dependent photocurrent in the resistive Ag/Pd films excited by IR laser radiation
GM Mikheev, AS Saushin, VV Vanyukov
Quantum Electronics 45 (7), 635, 2015
A Computer-Based Laser System for the Diagnostics of Hydrogen in Gas Mixtures
GM Mikheev, TN Mogileva, AY Popov, DG Kaluzhny
Instruments and Experimental Techniques 46 (2), 233-239, 2003
Effect of the burning temperature on the phase composition, photovoltaic response, and electrical properties of Ag/Pd resistive films
GM Mikheev, AS Saushin, OY Goncharov, GA Dorofeev, FZ Gil’mutdinov, ...
Physics of the Solid State 56, 2286-2293, 2014
Efficiency of forward and backward SRS in hydrogen under monochromatic pumping
GM Mikheev
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics 18, 337-339, 1991
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Articles 1–20