Adrian V Jaeggi
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Cited by
Social learning of diet and foraging skills by wild immature Bornean orangutans: implications for culture
AV Jaeggi, LP Dunkel, MA Van Noordwijk, SA Wich, AAL Sura, ...
American Journal of Primatology 72, 62-71, 2010
Men’s status and reproductive success in 33 nonindustrial societies: Effects of subsistence, marriage system, and reproductive strategy
CR Von Rueden, AV Jaeggi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (39), 10824-10829, 2016
Natural cooperators: food sharing in humans and other primates
AV Jaeggi, M Gurven
Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 22 (4), 186-195, 2013
On the psychology of cooperation in humans and other primates: combining the natural history and experimental evidence of prosociality
AV Jaeggi, JM Burkart, CP Van Schaik
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 …, 2010
Reciprocity explains food sharing in humans and other primates independent of kin selection and tolerated scrounging: a phylogenetic meta-analysis
AV Jaeggi, M Gurven
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1768), 20131615, 2013
The evolution of food sharing in primates
AV Jaeggi, CP Van Schaik
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65 (11), 2125–2140, 2011
Tolerant food sharing and reciprocity is precluded by despotism among bonobos but not chimpanzees
AV Jaeggi, JMG Stevens, CP Van Schaik
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 143 (1), 41-51, 2010
Archaeology and the origins of human cumulative culture: A case study from the earliest Oldowan at Gona, Ethiopia
D Stout, MJ Rogers, AV Jaeggi, S Semaw
Current Anthropology 60 (3), 000-000, 2019
Begging for information: mother–offspring food sharing among wild Bornean orangutans
AV Jaeggi, MA Van Noordwijk, CP Van Schaik
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2008
Mechanisms of reciprocity in primates: testing for short-term contingency of grooming and food sharing in bonobos and chimpanzees
AV Jaeggi, E De Groot, JMG Stevens, CP Van Schaik
Evolution and Human Behavior 34 (2), 69-77, 2013
Physical activity and modernization among Bolivian Amerindians
M Gurven, AV Jaeggi, H Kaplan, D Cummings
PLOS ONE 8 (1), e55679, 2013
Does market integration buffer risk, erode traditional sharing practices and increase inequality? A test among Bolivian forager-farmers
M Gurven, AV Jaeggi, C von Rueden, PL Hooper, H Kaplan
Human Ecology 43 (4), 515-530, 2015
Impact of prenatal stress on offspring glucocorticoid levels: A phylogenetic meta-analysis across 14 vertebrate species
ZM Thayer, MA Wilson, AW Kim, AV Jaeggi
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-9, 2018
The cooperative sex: Sexual interactions among female bonobos are linked to increases in oxytocin, proximity and coalitions.
LR Moscovice, M Surbeck, B Fruth, G Hohmann, A Jaeggi, T Deschner
Hormones and behavior 116, 104581, 2019
Reciprocal exchange patterned by market forces helps explain cooperation in a small-scale society
AV Jaeggi, PL Hooper, BA Beheim, H Kaplan, M Gurven
Current Biology 26 (16), 2180-2187, 2016
Oxytocin levels tend to be lower in autistic children: A meta-analysis of 31 studies
S John, AV Jaeggi
Autism 25 (8), 2152-2161, 2021
Harsh environments promote alloparental care across human societies
JS Martin, EJ Ringen, P Duda, AV Jaeggi
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1933), 20200758, 2020
Growth references for Tsimane forager‐horticulturalists of the Bolivian Amazon
AD Blackwell, SS Urlacher, B Beheim, C von Rueden, A Jaeggi, J Stieglitz, ...
American journal of physical anthropology 162 (3), 441-461, 2017
Salivary oxytocin increases concurrently with testosterone and time away from home among returning Tsimane’ hunters
AV Jaeggi, BC Trumble, HS Kaplan, M Gurven
Biology letters 11 (3), 20150058, 2015
Food sharing
M Gurven, AV Jaeggi
Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary …, 2015
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Articles 1–20