Pao-Ann Hsiung
Cited by
Cited by
A low-power 64-point pipeline FFT/IFFT processor for OFDM applications
C Yu, MH Yen, PA Hsiung, SJ Chen
IEEE transactions on consumer electronics 57 (1), 40-40, 2011
Efficient and user-friendly verification
F Wang, PA Hsiung
IEEE Transactions on Computers 51 (1), 61-83, 2002
Reconfigurable system design and verification
PA Hsiung, MD Santambrogio, CH Huang
CRC Press, 2018
VERTAF: An application framework for the design and verification of embedded real-time software
PA Hsiung, SW Lin, CH Tseng, TY Lee, JM Fu, WB See
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 30 (10), 656-674, 2004
Artificial intelligence of things in sports science: weight training as an example
WCC Chu, C Shih, WY Chou, SI Ahamed, PA Hsiung
Computer 52 (11), 52-61, 2019
A state graph manipulator tool for real-time system specification and verification
PA Hsiung, F Wang
Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems …, 1998
Hardware resource virtualization for dynamically partially reconfigurable systems
CH Huang, PA Hsiung
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters 1 (1), 19-23, 2009
Dynamic Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip Design: Innovations for Computational Processing and Communication: Innovations for Computational Processing and Communication
JS Shen, PA Hsiung
IGI Global, 2010
Perfecto: A systemc-based design-space exploration framework for dynamically reconfigurable architectures
PA Hsiung, CS Lin, CF Liao
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) 1 (3), 1-30, 2008
Formal synthesis and code generation of embedded real-time software
PA Hsiung
Proceedings of the ninth international symposium on Hardware/software …, 2001
Formal modeling and verification for network-on-chip
YR Chen, WT Su, PA Hsiung, YC Lan, YH Hu, SJ Chen
The 2010 International Conference on Green Circuits and Systems, 299-304, 2010
Multi-objective exploitation of pipeline parallelism using clustering, replication and duplication in embedded multi-core systems
CS Lin, CS Lin, YS Lin, PA Hsiung, C Shih
Journal of Systems Architecture 59 (10), 1083-1094, 2013
Model checking safety-critical systems using safecharts
PA Hsiung, YR Chen, YH Lin
IEEE Transactions on Computers 56 (5), 692-705, 2007
PSM: An object-oriented synthesis approach to multiprocessor system design
PA Hsiung, SJ Chen, TC Hu, SC Wang
IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems 4 (1), 83-97, 1996
Automatic testing environment for multi-core embedded software—ATEMES
CS Koong, C Shih, PA Hsiung, HJ Lai, CH Chang, WC Chu, NL Hsueh, ...
Journal of systems and software 85 (1), 43-60, 2012
Embedded software verification in hardware–software codesign
PA Hsiung
Journal of systems architecture 46 (15), 1435-1450, 2000
User-friendly verification
PA Hsiung, F Wang
International Conference on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification …, 1999
A tiling-scheme viterbi decoder in software defined radio for gpus
CS Lin, WL Liu, WT Yeh, LW Chang, WMW Hwu, SJ Chen, PA Hsiung
2011 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and …, 2011
Automatic verification on the large
F Wang, PA Hsiung
Proceedings Third IEEE International High-Assurance Systems Engineering …, 1998
CMAPS: A cosynthesis methodology for application-oriented parallel systems
PA Hsiung
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) 5 (1 …, 2000
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Articles 1–20