Dr. Viktor Begun
Dr. Viktor Begun
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
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Particle number fluctuations in a canonical ensemble
VV Begun, M Gaździcki, MI Gorenstein, OS Zozulya
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 70 (3), 034901, 2004
Hadron multiplicities and chemical freeze-out conditions in proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus collisions
V Vovchenko, VV Begun, MI Gorenstein
Physical Review C 93 (6), 064906, 2016
Multiplicity fluctuations in hadron-resonance gas
VV Begun, MI Gorenstein, M Hauer, VP Konchakovski, OS Zozulya
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 74 (4), 044903, 2006
Multiplicity fluctuations in relativistic nuclear collisions: Statistical model versus experimental data
VV Begun, M Gaździcki, MI Gorenstein, M Hauer, VP Konchakovski, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 76 (2), 024902, 2007
Cancellation of the meson in thermal models
W Broniowski, F Giacosa, V Begun
Physical Review C 92 (3), 034905, 2015
Bose–Einstein condensation of pions in high multiplicity events
VV Begun, MI Gorenstein
Physics Letters B 653 (2-4), 190-195, 2007
Hadron-resonance gas at freeze-out: Reminder on the importance of repulsive interactions
VV Begun, M Gaździcki, MI Gorenstein
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 88 (2), 024902, 2013
Particle number fluctuations in the microcanonical ensemble
VV Begun, MI Gorenstein, AP Kostyuk, OS Zozulya
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 71 (5), 054904, 2005
Explanation of hadron transverse-momentum spectra in heavy-ion collisions at TeV within a chemical nonequilibrium statistical hadronization model
V Begun, W Florkowski, M Rybczynski
Physical Review C 90 (1), 014906, 2014
Bose-Einstein condensation in the relativistic pion gas: Thermodynamic limit and finite size effects
VV Begun, MI Gorenstein
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 77 (6), 064903, 2008
Bose-Einstein condensation of pions in heavy-ion collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
V Begun, W Florkowski
Physical Review C 91 (5), 054909, 2015
Power law in a microcanonical ensemble with scaling volume fluctuations
VV Begun, M Gaździcki, MI Gorenstein
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 78 (2), 024904, 2008
Transverse-momentum spectra of strange particles produced in Pb + Pb collisions at TeV in the chemical nonequilibrium model
V Begun, W Florkowski, M Rybczynski
Physical Review C 90 (5), 054912, 2014
Particle number fluctuations in relativistic Bose and Fermi gases
VV Begun, MI Gorenstein
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 73 (5), 054904, 2006
Fluctuations in the canonical ensemble
VV Begun, MI Gorenstein, OS Zozulya
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 72 (1), 014902, 2005
Particle number fluctuations in statistical model with exact charge conservation laws
A Keränen, F Becattini, VV Begun, MI Gorenstein, OS Zozulya
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 31 (6), S1095, 2005
Modified bag models for the quark–gluon plasma equation of state
VV Begun, MI Gorenstein, OA Mogilevsky
International Journal of Modern Physics E 20 (08), 1805-1815, 2011
Quantum gases in the grand microcanonical ensemble near the thermodynamic limit
VV Begun, MI Gorenstein, AP Kostyuk, OS Zozulya
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 32 (7), 935, 2006
Hadron yields and fluctuations at energies available at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron: System-size dependence from Pb + Pb to collisions
A Motornenko, VV Begun, V Vovchenko, MI Gorenstein, H Stoecker
Physical Review C 99 (3), 034909, 2019
Critical point fluctuations: Finite size and global charge conservation effects
RV Poberezhnyuk, O Savchuk, MI Gorenstein, V Vovchenko, K Taradiy, ...
Physical Review C 102 (2), 024908, 2020
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Articles 1–20