Samuel Gandy
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Cited by
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)1
DJ Klionsky, AK Abdel-Aziz, S Abdelfatah, M Abdellatif, A Abdoli, S Abel, ...
autophagy 17 (1), 1-382, 2021
Familial Alzheimer's disease–linked presenilin 1 variants elevate Aβ1–42/1–40 ratio in vitro and in vivo
DR Borchelt, G Thinakaran, CB Eckman, MK Lee, F Davenport, ...
Neuron 17 (5), 1005-1013, 1996
Brain insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer disease: concepts and conundrums
SE Arnold, Z Arvanitakis, SL Macauley-Rambach, AM Koenig, HY Wang, ...
Nature Reviews Neurology 14 (3), 168-181, 2018
Endoproteolysis of presenilin 1 and accumulation of processed derivatives in vivo
G Thinakaran, DR Borchelt, MK Lee, HH Slunt, L Spitzer, G Kim, ...
Neuron 17 (1), 181-190, 1996
Apolipoprotein E∈ 4 associated with chronic traumatic brain injury in boxing
BD Jordan, NR Relkin, LD Ravdin, AR Jacobs, A Bennett, S Gandy
Jama 278 (2), 136-140, 1997
Neuronal SIRT1 activation as a novel mechanism underlying the prevention of Alzheimer disease amyloid neuropathology by calorie restriction
W Qin, T Yang, L Ho, Z Zhao, J Wang, L Chen, W Zhao, M Thiyagarajan, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (31), 21745-21754, 2006
Cholinergic agonists and interleukin 1 regulate processing and secretion of the Alzheimer beta/A4 amyloid protein precursor.
JD Buxbaum, M Oishi, HI Chen, R Pinkas-Kramarski, EA Jaffe, SE Gandy, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89 (21), 10075-10078, 1992
Estrogen reduces neuronal generation of Alzheimer β-amyloid peptides
H Xu, GK Gouras, JP Greenfield, B Vincent, J Naslund, L Mazzarelli, ...
Nature medicine 4 (4), 447-451, 1998
The role of cerebral amyloid β accumulation in common forms of Alzheimer disease
S Gandy
The Journal of clinical investigation 115 (5), 1121-1129, 2005
Multiscale analysis of independent Alzheimer’s cohorts finds disruption of molecular, genetic, and clinical networks by human herpesvirus
B Readhead, JV Haure-Mirande, CC Funk, MA Richards, P Shannon, ...
Neuron 99 (1), 64-82. e7, 2018
Relative abundance of Alzheimer A beta amyloid peptide variants in Alzheimer disease and normal aging.
J Näslund, A Schierhorn, U Hellman, L Lannfelt, AD Roses, LO Tjernberg, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91 (18), 8378-8382, 1994
Processing of Alzheimer beta/A4 amyloid precursor protein: modulation by agents that regulate protein phosphorylation.
JD Buxbaum, SE Gandy, P Cicchetti, ME Ehrlich, AJ Czernik, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87 (15), 6003-6006, 1990
Protein topology of presenilin 1
A Doan, G Thinakaran, DR Borchelt, HH Slunt, T Ratovitsky, M Podlisny, ...
Neuron 17 (5), 1023-1030, 1996
Formation and maintenance of Alzheimer's disease β-amyloid plaques in the absence of microglia
SA Grathwohl, RE Kälin, T Bolmont, S Prokop, G Winkelmann, SA Kaeser, ...
Nature neuroscience 12 (11), 1361-1363, 2009
Apolipoprotein E, cholesterol metabolism, diabetes, and the convergence of risk factors for Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease
IJ Martins, E Hone, JK Foster, SI Sünram-Lea, A Gnjec, SJ Fuller, D Nolan, ...
Molecular psychiatry 11 (8), 721-736, 2006
Estrogen regulates metabolism of Alzheimer amyloid beta precursor protein.
AB Jaffe, CD Toran-Allerand, P Greengard, SE Gandy
Journal of Biological Chemistry 269 (18), 13065-13068, 1994
Protein phosphorylation regulates secretion of Alzheimer beta/A4 amyloid precursor protein.
GL Caporaso, SE Gandy, JD Buxbaum, TV Ramabhadran, P Greengard
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89 (7), 3055-3059, 1992
The Profile of Soluble Amyloid β Protein in Cultured Cell Media: detection and quantification of amyloid β protein and variants by immunoprecipitation-mass spectrometry
R Wang, D Sweeney, SE Gandy, SS Sisodia
Journal of Biological Chemistry 271 (50), 31894-31902, 1996
Traumatic brain injury--football, warfare, and long-term effects
ST DeKosky, MD Ikonomovic, MD Sam Gandy
The New England journal of medicine 363 (14), 1293, 2010
Sorting through the cell biology of Alzheimer's disease: intracellular pathways to pathogenesis
SA Small, S Gandy
Neuron 52 (1), 15-31, 2006
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Articles 1–20