Lei Wang (汪磊)
Cited by
Cited by
Grayscale transparent metasurface holograms
L Wang, S Kruk, H Tang, T Li, I Kravchenko, DN Neshev, YS Kivshar
Optica 3 (12), 1504-1505, 2016
Nonlinear generation of vector beams from AlGaAs nanoantennas
R Camacho-Morales, M Rahmani, S Kruk, L Wang, L Xu, DA Smirnova, ...
Nano letters 16 (11), 7191-7197, 2016
Efficient polarization-insensitive complex wavefront control using Huygens’ metasurfaces based on dielectric resonant meta-atoms
KE Chong, L Wang, I Staude, AR James, J Dominguez, S Liu, ...
Acs Photonics 3 (4), 514-519, 2016
Nonlinear light generation in topological nanostructures
S Kruk, A Poddubny, D Smirnova, L Wang, A Slobozhanyuk, A Shorokhov, ...
Nature nanotechnology 14 (2), 126-130, 2019
Nonlinear wavefront control with all-dielectric metasurfaces
L Wang, S Kruk, K Koshelev, I Kravchenko, B Luther-Davies, Y Kivshar
Nano letters 18 (6), 3978-3984, 2018
Nonlinear imaging with all-dielectric metasurfaces
C Schlickriede, SS Kruk, L Wang, B Sain, Y Kivshar, T Zentgraf
Nano letters 20 (6), 4370-4376, 2020
Nonlinear optical magnetism revealed by second-harmonic generation in nanoantennas
SS Kruk, R Camacho-Morales, L Xu, M Rahmani, DA Smirnova, L Wang, ...
Nano letters 17 (6), 3914-3918, 2017
Asymmetric parametric generation of images with nonlinear dielectric metasurfaces
SS Kruk, L Wang, B Sain, Z Dong, J Yang, T Zentgraf, Y Kivshar
Nature Photonics 16 (8), 561-565, 2022
Performance of wireless optical communication with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces and random obstacles
H Wang, Z Zhang, B Zhu, J Dang, L Wu, L Wang, K Zhang, Y Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.05715, 2020
Shaping the third-harmonic radiation from silicon nanodimers
L Wang, S Kruk, L Xu, M Rahmani, D Smirnova, A Solntsev, I Kravchenko, ...
Nanoscale 9 (6), 2201-2206, 2017
Performance analysis of multi-branch reconfigurable intelligent surfaces-assisted optical wireless communication system in environment with obstacles
H Wang, Z Zhang, B Zhu, J Dang, L Wu, L Wang, K Zhang, Y Zhang, GY Li
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (10), 9986-10001, 2021
Electrically generated unidirectional surface plasmon source
L Wang, T Li, L Li, W Xia, XG Xu, SN Zhu
Optics Express 20 (8), 8710-8717, 2012
Active display and encoding by integrated plasmonic polarizer on light-emitting-diode
L Wang, T Li, RY Guo, W Xia, XG Xu, SN Zhu
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2603, 2013
Full-duplex high-speed indoor optical wireless communication system based on a micro-LED and VCSEL array
Z Wei, S Zhang, S Mao, L Wang, L Zhang, CJ Chen, MC Wu, Y Dong, ...
Optics Express 29 (3), 3891-3903, 2021
Multipolar third-harmonic generation in fishnet metamaterials
L Wang, AS Shorokhov, PN Melentiev, S Kruk, M Decker, C Helgert, ...
ACS Photonics 3 (8), 1494-1499, 2016
Low-complexity visible light positioning and rotation estimation based on eigenvalue decomposition
B Zhu, Z Zhang, J Dang, L Wu, L Wang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 40 (21), 7072-7083, 2022
Plasmonic switch based on composite interference in metallic strip waveguides
Y Wang, T Li, L Wang, H He, L Li, Q Wang, S Zhu
Laser & Photonics Reviews 8 (4), L47-L51, 2014
EM-AMP-based joint active user detection and channel estimation in cell-free system
S Jiang, J Dang, Z Zhang, L Wu, B Zhu, L Wang
IEEE Systems Journal 17 (3), 4026-4037, 2023
Indoor visible light localization algorithm with the optimal optical angle-of-arrival estimator
Y Yu, B Zhu, Z Zhang, L Wang, L Wu, J Dang
2021 2nd Information Communication Technologies Conference (ICTC), 194-198, 2021
A geometry‐based stochastic channel model and its application for intelligent reflecting surface assisted wireless communication
J Dang, S Gao, Y Zhu, R Guo, H Jiang, Z Zhang, L Wu, B Zhu, L Wang
IET Communications 15 (3), 421-434, 2021
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Articles 1–20