Adam P. Nawrot
Adam P. Nawrot
Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Polar and Marine Research
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Cited by
Newly identified climatically and environmentally significant high latitude dust sources
O Meinander, P Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P Amosov, E Aseyeva, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 2021, 1-74, 2021
Chemical denudation and the role of sulfide oxidation at Werenskioldbreen, Svalbard
Ł Stachnik, E Majchrowska, JC Yde, AP Nawrot, K Cichała-Kamrowska, ...
Journal of Hydrology 538, 177-193, 2016
Chemistry of snow cover and acidic snowfall during a season with a high level of air pollution on the Hans Glacier, Spitsbergen
AP Nawrot, K Migała, B Luks, P Pakszys, P Głowacki
Polar Science 10 (3), 249-261, 2016
Flood‐plain responses to contemporary climate change in small H igh‐A rctic basins (S valbard, N orway)
P Owczarek, A Nawrot, K Migała, I Malik, B Korabiewski
Boreas 43 (2), 384-402, 2014
Diversity and distribution of Tardigrada in Arctic cryoconite holes
K Zawierucha, M Ostrowska, TR Vonnahme, M Devetter, A Nawrot, ...
Journal of Limnology 75 (3), 545-559, 2016
Extreme weather event results in the removal of invertebrates from cryoconite holes on an Arctic valley glacier (Longyearbreen, Svalbard)
K Zawierucha, J Buda, A Nawrot
Ecological Research 34 (3), 370-379, 2019
Diagnosis of the hydrology of a small Arctic permafrost catchment using HBV conceptual rainfall-runoff model
M Osuch, T Wawrzyniak, A Nawrot
Hydrology Research 50 (2), 459-478, 2019
Natural radioactive isotopes in glacier meltwater studies
A Kies, A Nawrot, Z Tosheva, J Jania
Geochemical Journal 45 (6), 423-429, 2011
Investigation on the sources and impact of trace elements in the annual snowpack and the Firn in the Hansbreen (Southwest Spitsbergen)
A Spolaor, B Moroni, B Luks, A Nawrot, M Roman, C Larose, Ł Stachnik, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 536036, 2021
Run-off modelling in an Arctic unglaciated catchment (Fuglebekken, Spitsbergen)
T Wawrzyniak, M Osuch, A Nawrot, JJ Napiorkowski
Annals of Glaciology 58 (75pt1), 36-46, 2017
Micromorphological features of mineral matter from cryoconite holes on Arctic (Svalbard) and alpine (the Alps, the Caucasus) glaciers
K Zawierucha, G Baccolo, B Di Mauro, A Nawrot, W Szczuciński, ...
Polar Science 22, 100482, 2019
Ice volume changes (1936–1990–2007) and ground-penetrating radar studies of Ariebreen, Hornsund, Spitsbergen
J Lapazaran, M Petlicki, F Navarro, F Machío, D Puczko, P Glowacki, ...
Polar Research 32 (1), 11068, 2013
Integrated geophysical imaging of a mountain landslide–a case study from the Outer Carpathians, Poland
A Marciniak, S Kowalczyk, T Gontar, B Owoc, A Nawrot, B Luks, J Cader, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 191, 104364, 2021
Aluminium in glacial meltwater demonstrates an association with nutrient export (Werenskiöldbreen, Svalbard)
Ł Stachnik, JC Yde, A Nawrot, Ł Uzarowicz, E Łepkowska, K Kozak
Hydrological Processes 33 (12), 1638-1657, 2019
Spatial variations in air temperature and humidity over Hornsund fjord (Spitsbergen) from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015
A Araźny, R Przybylak, P Wyszyński, T Wawrzyniak, A Nawrot, T Budzik
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 100 (1), 27-43, 2018
Overview on radon measurements in Arctic glacier waters
A Kies, O Hengesch, Z Tosheva, AP Nawrot, J Jania
The Cryosphere Discussions 9 (2), 2013-2052, 2015
High Latitude Dust transport altitude pattern revealed from deposition on snow, Svalbard
J Kavan, K Láska, A Nawrot, T Wawrzyniak
Atmosphere 11 (12), 1318, 2020
Integrated geophysical imaging and remote sensing for enhancing geological interpretation of landslides with uncertainty estimation—A case study from Cisiec, Poland
M Wróbel, I Stan-Kłeczek, A Marciniak, M Majdański, S Kowalczyk, ...
Remote Sensing 15 (1), 238, 2022
Is oxygenation related to the decomposition of organic matter in cryoconite holes?
J Buda, EA Poniecka, P Rozwalak, R Ambrosini, EA Bagshaw, A Franzetti, ...
Ecosystems 25 (7), 1510-1521, 2022
Seeking the sources of dust: geochemical and magnetic studies on “Cryodust” in glacial cores from Southern spitsbergen (Svalbard, Norway)
M Lewandowski, MA Kusiak, T Werner, A Nawrot, B Barzycka, M Laska, ...
Atmosphere 11 (12), 1325, 2020
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Articles 1–20