Sven Wagner
Sven Wagner
University of Stuttgart & Fraunhofer IAO
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Role of Runoff–Infiltration Partitioning and Resolved Overland Flow on Land–Atmosphere Feedbacks: A Case Study with the WRF-Hydro Coupled Modeling System for West Africa
J Arnault, S Wagner, T Rummler, B Fersch, J Bliefernicht, S Andresen, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (5), 1489-1516, 2016
High resolution regional climate model simulations for Germany: part I—validation
P Berg, S Wagner, H Kunstmann, G Schädler
Climate Dynamics 40 (1), 401-414, 2012
Joint atmospheric-terrestrial water balances for East Africa: a WRF-Hydro case study for the upper Tana River basin
N Kerandi, J Arnault, P Laux, S Wagner, J Kitheka, H Kunstmann
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 131 (3-4), 1337-1355, 2018
Modelling daily precipitation features in the Volta Basin of West Africa
P Laux, S Wagner, A Wagner, J Jacobeit, A Bardossy, H Kunstmann
International Journal of Climatology 29 (7), 937-954, 2009
Fully coupled atmospheric‐hydrological modeling at regional and long‐term scales: Development, application, and analysis of WRF‐HMS
S Wagner, B Fersch, F Yuan, Z Yu, H Kunstmann
Water Resources Research 52 (4), 3187-3211, 2016
High resolution regional climate model simulations for Germany: Part II—projected climate changes
S Wagner, P Berg, G Schädler, H Kunstmann
Climate Dynamics 40 (1), 415-427, 2013
Water balance estimation of a poorly gauged catchment in West Africa using dynamically downscaled meteorological fields and remote sensing information
S Wagner, H Kunstmann, A Bárdossy, C Conrad, RR Colditz
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 34 (4-5), 225-235, 2009
Stochastic bias correction of dynamically downscaled precipitation fields for Germany through Copula-based integration of gridded observation data
G Mao, S Vogl, P Laux, S Wagner, H Kunstmann
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (4), 1787, 2015
Joint climate-hydrology modeling: an impact study for the data-sparse environment of the Volta Basin in West Africa
G Jung, S Wagner, H Kunstmann
Hydrology research 43 (3), 231-248, 2012
Integration of atmospheric sciences and hydrology for the development of decision support systems in sustainable water management
H Kunstmann, G Jung, S Wagner, H Clottey
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 33 (1-2), 165-174, 2008
High-resolution climate change impact analysis on medium-sized river catchments in Germany: an ensemble assessment
I Ott, D Duethmann, J Liebert, P Berg, H Feldmann, J Ihringer, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 14 (4), 1175-1193, 2013
High resolution climate projections to assess the future vulnerability of European urban areas to climatological extreme events
J Fallmann, S Wagner, S Emeis
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 127 (3-4), 667-683, 2017
Water balance in a poorly gauged basin in West Africa using atmospheric modelling and remote sensing information
S Wagner
Water Balance in a Poorly Gauged Basin in West Africa Using Atmospheric Modelling and Remote Sensing Information, 2008
S Wagner
ISBN 978-3-933761-77-4, 0
High-resolution long-term WRF climate simulations over Volta Basin. Part 1: validation analysis for temperature and precipitation
T Annor, B Lamptey, S Wagner, P Oguntunde, J Arnault, D Heinzeller, ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-21, 2017
Model based distributed water balance monitoring of the White Volta catchment in West Africa through coupled meteorological-hydrological simulations
S Wagner, H Kunstmann, A Bárdossy
Advances in Geosciences 9, 39-44, 2006
Spatio‐temporal variability of water and energy fluxes–a case study for a mesoscale catchment in pre‐alpine environment
L Hingerl, H Kunstmann, S Wagner, M Mauder, J Bliefernicht, R Rigon
Hydrological Processes 30 (21), 3804-3823, 2016
A Mechanism for Discovery and Verification of Trust Scheme Memberships: The Lightest Reference Architecture
S Wagner, S Kurowski, U Laufs, H Roßnagel
Open Identity Summit 2017, 2017
Flood hazard in a changing climate
G Schädler, P Berg, D Düthmann, H Feldmann, J Ihringer, H Kunstmann, ...
Tech. rep., CEDIM report Karlsruhe, Germany. http://www. cedim. de/download …, 2012
Uncertainties in water balance estimations due to scarce meteorological information: a case study for the White Volta catchment in West Africa.
S Wagner, H Kunstmann, A Bardossy, E Boegh, T Wagener, A Hall, ...
Proceedings of the Symposium Quantification and Reduction of Predictive …, 2007
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Articles 1–20