Pablo Sartori
Pablo Sartori
Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine
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Cited by
The energy–speed–accuracy trade-off in sensory adaptation
G Lan, P Sartori, S Neumann, V Sourjik, Y Tu
Nature physics 8 (5), 422-428, 2012
Dynamic curvature regulation accounts for the symmetric and asymmetric beats of Chlamydomonas flagella
P Sartori, VF Geyer, A Scholich, F Jülicher, J Howard
Elife 5, e13258, 2016
Thermodynamic costs of information processing in sensory adaptation
P Sartori, L Granger, CF Lee, JM Horowitz
PLoS computational biology 10 (12), e1003974, 2014
Kinetic versus energetic discrimination in biological copying
P Sartori, S Pigolotti
Physical review letters 110 (18), 188101, 2013
Thermodynamics of error correction
P Sartori, S Pigolotti
Physical Review X 5 (4), 041039, 2015
Environment-to-phenotype mapping and adaptation strategies in varying environments
BK Xue, P Sartori, S Leibler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (28), 13847-13855, 2019
Independent control of the static and dynamic components of the Chlamydomonas flagellar beat
VF Geyer, P Sartori, BM Friedrich, F Jülicher, J Howard
Current Biology 26 (8), 1098-1103, 2016
Free energy cost of reducing noise while maintaining a high sensitivity
P Sartori, Y Tu
Physical review letters 115 (11), 118102, 2015
Lessons from equilibrium statistical physics regarding the assembly of protein complexes
P Sartori, S Leibler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (1), 114-120, 2020
Curvature regulation of the ciliary beat through axonemal twist
P Sartori, VF Geyer, J Howard, F Jülicher
Physical Review E 94 (4), 042426, 2016
Motor regulation results in distal forces that bend partially disintegrated Chlamydomonas axonemes into circular arcs
V Mukundan, P Sartori, VF Geyer, F Jülicher, J Howard
Biophysical journal 106 (11), 2434-2442, 2014
Noise Filtering Strategies in Adaptive Biochemical Signaling Networks: Application to E. Coli Chemotaxis
P Sartori, Y Tu
Journal of statistical physics 142, 1206-1217, 2011
Ciliary beating patterns map onto a low-dimensional behavioural space
VF Geyer, J Howard, P Sartori
Nature Physics 18 (3), 332-337, 2022
Protocols for copying and proofreading in template-assisted polymerization
S Pigolotti, P Sartori
Journal of statistical physics 162, 1167-1182, 2016
Contribution of increasing plasma membrane to the energetic cost of early zebrafish embryogenesis
J Rodenfels, P Sartori, S Golfier, K Nagendra, KM Neugebauer, J Howard
Molecular biology of the cell 31 (7), 520-526, 2020
On the nonequilibrium entropy of large and small systems
S Goldstein, DA Huse, JL Lebowitz, P Sartori
International workshop on Stochastic Dynamics out of Equilibrium, 581-596, 2017
Effect of curvature and normal forces on motor regulation of cilia
P Sartori
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.04138, 2019
Robust retrieval of dynamic sequences through interaction modulation
L Herron, P Sartori, BK Xue
PRX Life 1 (2), 023012, 2023
Scaling behaviour of non-equilibrium planar N-atic spin systems under weak fluctuations
P Sartori, CF Lee
New Journal of Physics 21 (7), 073064, 2019
Liquid Hopfield model: Retrieval and localization in multicomponent liquid mixtures
R Braz Teixeira, G Carugno, I Neri, P Sartori
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (48), e2320504121, 2024
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Articles 1–20