George Steiner
George Steiner
Professor, McMaster University
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A survey of scheduling with controllable processing times
D Shabtay, G Steiner
Discrete Applied Mathematics 155 (13), 1643-1666, 2007
Level schedules for mixed-model, just-in-time processes
G Steiner, S Yeomans
Management science 39 (6), 728-735, 1993
A dynamic programming algorithm for scheduling mixed-model, just-in-time production systems
J Miltenburg, G Steiner, S Yeomans
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 13 (3), 57-66, 1990
Optimal level schedules for mixed-model, multi-level just-in-time assembly systems
W Kubiak, G Steiner, J Scott Yeomans
Annals of Operations Research 69 (0), 241-259, 1997
An algorithm to generate the ideals of a partial order
G Steiner
Operations Research Letters 5 (6), 317-320, 1986
Two due date assignment problems in scheduling a single machine
D Shabtay, G Steiner
Operations research letters 34 (6), 683-691, 2006
The single-machine earliness-tardiness scheduling problem with due date assignment and resource-dependent processing times
D Shabtay, G Steiner
Annals of Operations Research 159, 25-40, 2008
Finding Hamiltonian paths in cocomparability graphs using the bump number algorithm
P Damaschke, JS Deogun, D Kratsch, G Steiner
Order 8, 383-391, 1991
Sequencing jobs on a single machine with a common due date and stochastic processing times
SC Sarin, E Erel, G Steiner
European Journal of Operational Research 51 (2), 188-198, 1991
Optimal level schedules in mixed-model, multi-level JIT assembly systems with pegging
G Steiner, JS Yeomans
European Journal of Operational Research 95 (1), 38-52, 1996
Polynomial algorithms for hamiltonian cycle in cocomparability graphs
JS Deogun, G Steiner
SIAM Journal on Computing 23 (3), 520-552, 1994
Batch scheduling in a two-level supply chain—a focus on the supplier
E Selvarajah, G Steiner
European Journal of Operational Research 173 (1), 226-240, 2006
On the k-path partition of graphs
G Steiner
Theoretical Computer Science 290 (3), 2147-2155, 2003
Optimal due date assignment and resource allocation to minimize the weighted number of tardy jobs on a single machine
D Shabtay, G Steiner
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9 (3), 332-350, 2007
Optimal sequencing by modular decomposition: Polynomial algorithms
JB Sidney, G Steiner
Operations Research 34 (4), 606-612, 1986
An approximation algorithm for clustering graphs with dominating diametral path
JS Deogun, D Kratsch, G Steiner
Information Processing Letters 61 (3), 121-127, 1997
Lot streaming with detached setups in three-machine flow shops
J Chen, G Steiner
European Journal of Operational Research 96 (3), 591-611, 1997
A linear time algorithm for maximum matchings in convex, bipartite graphs
G Steiner, JS Yeomans
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 31 (12), 91-96, 1996
Efficient algorithms on distributive lattices
M Habib, R Medina, L Nourine, G Steiner
Discrete Applied Mathematics 110 (2-3), 169-187, 2001
Partially ordered knapsack and applications to scheduling
SG Kolliopoulos, G Steiner
Discrete Applied Mathematics 155 (8), 889-897, 2007
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Articles 1–20