THE AMERICAN CAMPAIGN: US Presidential Campaigns and the National Vote JE Campbell Texas A&M University Press, 2000 | 484* | 2000 |
POLARIZED: Making Sense of a Divided America JE Campbell Princeton University Press, 2016 | 347 | 2016 |
Cosponsoring Legislation in the US Congress JE Campbell Legislative Studies Quarterly 7 (3), 415-422, 1982 | 306 | 1982 |
Forecasting the Presidential Vote in the States JE Campbell American Journal of Political Science 36 (2), 386-407, 1992 | 248 | 1992 |
THE PRESIDENTIAL PULSE OF CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS JE Campbell University Press of Kentucky, 1997 | 244* | 1997 |
The Presidential Surge and Its Midterm Decline in Congressional Elections, 1868–1988 JE Campbell The Journal of Politics 53 (02), 477-487, 1991 | 212 | 1991 |
BEFORE THE VOTE: Forecasting American National Elections JE Campbell, JC Garand Sage Publications, 2000 | 211 | 2000 |
Presidential Coattails in Senate Elections JE Campbell, JA Sumners American Political Science Review 84 (02), 513-524, 1990 | 203 | 1990 |
The Revised Theory of Surge and Decline JE Campbell American Journal of Political Science 31 (4), 965-979, 1987 | 191 | 1987 |
Presidential Coattails and Midterm Losses in State Legislative Elections JE Campbell American Political Science Review 80 (01), 45-63, 1986 | 184 | 1986 |
Explaining Presidential Losses in Midterm Congressional Elections JE Campbell The Journal of Politics 47 (1), 1140-1157, 1985 | 164 | 1985 |
Trial-heat Forecasts of the Presidential Vote JE Campbell, KA Wink American Politics Quarterly 18 (3), 251-269, 1990 | 156 | 1990 |
Polls and Votes: The Trial-heat Presidential Election Forecasting Model, Certainty, and Political Campaigns JE Campbell American Politics Quarterly 24 (4), 408-433, 1996 | 133 | 1996 |
Television Markets and Congressional Elections JE Campbell, JR Alford, K Henry Legislative Studies Quarterly 9 (4), 665-678, 1984 | 129 | 1984 |
Ambiguity in the Issue Positions of Presidential Candidates: A Causal Analysis JE Campbell American Journal of Political Science 27 (2), 284-293, 1983 | 126 | 1983 |
Predicting Seat Gains from Presidential Coattails JE Campbell American Journal of Political Science 30 (1), 165-183, 1986 | 114 | 1986 |
The Presidential Pulse and the 1994 Midterm Congressional Election JE Campbell The Journal of Politics 59 (3), 830-857, 1997 | 105 | 1997 |
The Convention Bump JE Campbell, LL Cherry, KA Wink American Politics Quarterly 20 (3), 287-307, 1992 | 105 | 1992 |
Sources of the New Deal Realignment: The Contributions of Conversion and Mobilization to Partisan Change JE Campbell Western Political Quarterly 38 (3), 357-376, 1985 | 83 | 1985 |
The Referendum that Didn't Happen: The Forecasts of the 2000 Presidential Election JE Campbell PS: Political Science & Politics 34 (1), 33-38, 2001 | 79 | 2001 |