Steven R. Hall
Steven R. Hall
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Cited by
High-efficiency, large stroke electromechanical actuator
SR Hall, EF Prechtl
US Patent 5,907,211, 1999
Frequency response of linear time periodic systems
NM Wereley, SR Hall
29th IEEE conference on decision and control, 3650-3655, 1990
Piezoelectric Actuators for Helicopter Rotor Control
RL Spangler Jr, SR Hall
Adoption of active learning in a lecture-based engineering class
SR Hall, I Waitz, DR Brodeur, DH Soderholm, R Nasr
32nd Annual frontiers in education 1, T2A-T2A, 2002
Harnessing the actuation potential of solid‐state intercalation compounds
Y Koyama, TE Chin, U Rhyner, RK Holman, SR Hall, YM Chiang
Advanced Functional Materials 16 (4), 492-498, 2006
Design of a high efficiency, large stroke, electromechanical actuator
EF Prechtl, SR Hall
Smart Materials and Structures 8 (1), 13, 1999
Minimum induced power requirements for flapping flight
KC Hall, SR Hall
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 323, 285-315, 1996
Optimal control of power flow at structural junctions
DW Miller, SR Hall, AH Von Flotow
Journal of Sound and Vibration 140 (3), 475-497, 1990
Development of a piezoelectric servoflap for helicopter rotor control
SR Hall, EF Prechtl
Smart Materials and Structures 5 (1), 26, 1996
Extensions of mixed-µ bounds to monotonic and odd monotonic nonlinearities using absolute stability theory
WM Haddad, JP How, SR Hall, DS Bernstein
International Journal of Control 60 (5), 905-951, 1994
Linear time periodic systems: transfer function, poles, transmission zeroes and directional properties
NM Wereley, SR Hall
1991 American Control Conference, 1179-1184, 1991
Electrochemical methods, devices, and structures
US Patent 20,060,102,455, 0
Power requirements for large-amplitude flapping flight
KC Hall, SA Pigott, SR Hall
Journal of Aircraft 35 (3), 352-361, 1998
Generalized Nyquist stability criterion for linear time periodic systems
SR Hall, NM Wereley
1990 American Control Conference, 1518-1525, 1990
The ferromagnetic shape-memory effect in Ni–Mn–Ga
MA Marioni, RC O’Handley, SM Allen, SR Hall, DI Paul, ML Richard, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290, 35-41, 2005
Performance of higher harmonic control algorithms for helicopter vibration reduction
SR Hall, NM Wereley
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 16 (4), 793-797, 1993
Control of uncertain structures using an h (infinity) power flow approach
DG MacMartin, SR Hall
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 14 (3), 521-530, 1991
Connections between the Popov stability criterion and bounds for real parameter uncertainty
JP How, SR Hall
1993 American Control Conference, 1084-1089, 1993
Closed‐Loop Control Test of the NASA/Army/MIT Active Twist Rotor for Vibration Reduction
SJ Shin, CES Cesnik, SR Hall
Journal of the American Helicopter Society 50 (2), 178-194, 2005
Design and testing of a double X-frame piezoelectric actuator
SR Hall, T Tzianetopoulou, FK Straub, HT Ngo
Smart Structures and Materials 2000: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems …, 2000
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Articles 1–20