Stephane Abbet
Stephane Abbet
Collège de St-Maurice
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When gold is not noble: nanoscale gold catalysts
A Sanchez, S Abbet, U Heiz, WD Schneider, H Häkkinen, RN Barnett, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103 (48), 9573-9578, 1999
Charging Effects on Bonding and Catalyzed Oxidation of CO on Au8 Clusters on MgO
B Yoon, H Hakkinen, U Landman, AS Worz, JM Antonietti, S Abbet, ...
Science 307 (5708), 403-407, 2005
Structural, electronic, and impurity‐doping effects in nanoscale chemistry: supported gold nanoclusters
H Häkkinen, S Abbet, A Sanchez, U Heiz, U Landman
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 42 (11), 1297-1300, 2003
Catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide on monodispersed platinum clusters: each atom counts
U Heiz, A Sanchez, S Abbet, WD Schneider
Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (13), 3214-3217, 1999
Acetylene Cyclotrimerization on Supported Size-Selected Pdn Clusters (1 ≤ n ≤ 30): One Atom Is Enough!
S Abbet, A Sanchez, U Heiz, WD Schneider, AM Ferrari, G Pacchioni, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (14), 3453-3457, 2000
CO oxidation on a single Pd atom supported on magnesia
S Abbet, U Heiz, H Häkkinen, U Landman
Physical review letters 86 (26), 5950, 2001
Low-temperature cluster catalysis
K Judai, S Abbet, AS Wörz, U Heiz, CR Henry
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (9), 2732-2737, 2004
Tuning the oxidation of carbon monoxide using nanoassembled model catalysts
U Heiz, A Sanchez, S Abbet, WD Schneider
Chemical Physics 262 (1), 189-200, 2000
Identification of defect sites on MgO (100) thin films by decoration with Pd atoms and studying CO adsorption properties
S Abbet, E Riedo, H Brune, U Heiz, AM Ferrari, L Giordano, G Pacchioni
Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (25), 6172-6178, 2001
Tuning the selectivity of acetylene polymerization atom by atom
S Abbet, A Sanchez, U Heiz, WD Schneider
Journal of Catalysis 198 (1), 122-127, 2001
Cluster Size-Dependent Mechanisms of the CO + NO Reaction on Small Pdn (n ≤ 30) Clusters on Oxide Surfaces
AS Wörz, K Judai, S Abbet, U Heiz
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (26), 7964-7970, 2003
The reactivity of gold and platinum metals in their cluster phase
U Heiz, A Sanchez, S Abbet, WD Schneider
The European Physical Journal D: Atomic, molecular and optical physics, 35-39, 1999
Synthesis of monodispersed model catalysts using softlanding cluster deposition
S Abbet, K Judai, L Klinger, U Heiz
Pure and Applied Chemistry 74 (9), 1527-1535, 2002
Cluster chemistry: Size-dependent reactivity induced by reverse spill-over
MA Röttgen, S Abbet, K Judai, JM Antonietti, AS Wörz, M Arenz, CR Henry, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (31), 9635-9639, 2007
Chemisorption and reactivity of methanol on MgO thin films
C Di Valentin, A Del Vitto, G Pacchioni, S Abbet, AS Wörz, K Judai, U Heiz
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106 (46), 11961-11969, 2002
Acetylene polymerization on supported transition metal clusters
K Judai, S Abbet, AS Wörz, AM Ferrari, L Giordano, G Pacchioni, U Heiz
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 199 (1-2), 103-113, 2003
Selectivity of Surface Defects for the Activation of Supported Metal Atoms:  Acetylene Cyclotrimerization on Pd1/MgO
AM Ferrari, L Giordano, G Pacchioni, S Abbet, U Heiz
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106 (12), 3173-3181, 2002
Role of Surface Defects in the Activation of Supported Metals:  A Quantum-Chemical Study of Acetylene Cyclotrimerization on Pd1/MgO
AM Ferrari, L Giordano, N Rösch, U Heiz, S Abbet, A Sanchez, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104 (45), 10612-10617, 2000
Size-effects in the acetylene cyclotrimerization on supported size-selected Pdn clusters (1≤ n≤ 30)
S Abbet, A Sanchez, U Heiz, WD Schneider, AM Ferrari, G Pacchioni, ...
Surface science 454, 984-989, 2000
Acetylene trimerization on Ag, Pd and Rh atoms deposited on MgO thin films
K Judai, AS Wörz, S Abbet, JM Antonietti, U Heiz, A Del Vitto, L Giordano, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 7 (5), 955-962, 2005
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Articles 1–20