Rasoul Roknizadeh
Rasoul Roknizadeh
Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Isfahan, Department of Physics, Quantum Optics Group
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The construction of some important classes of generalized coherent states: the nonlinear coherent states method
R Roknizadeh, MK Tavassoly
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (33), 8111, 2004
Force sensing based on coherent quantum noise cancellation in a hybrid optomechanical cavity with squeezed-vacuum injection
A Motazedifard, F Bemani, MH Naderi, R Roknizadeh, D Vitali
New Journal of Physics 18 (7), 073040, 2016
Synchronization dynamics of two nanomechanical membranes within a Fabry-Perot cavity
F Bemani, A Motazedifard, R Roknizadeh, MH Naderi, D Vitali
Physical Review A 96 (2), 023805, 2017
Formation dynamics of an entangled photon pair: a temperature-dependent analysis
A Carmele, F Milde, MR Dachner, MB Harouni, R Roknizadeh, M Richter, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (19), 195319, 2010
Construction of the dual family of Gazeau–Klauder coherent states via temporally stable nonlinear coherent states
R Roknizadeh, MK Tavassoly
Journal of mathematical physics 46 (4), 2005
Representations of coherent states in non-orthogonal bases
ST Ali, R Roknizadeh, MK Tavassoly
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (15), 4407, 2004
A theoretical scheme for generation of nonlinear coherent states in a coherently pumped micromaser under intensity-dependent Jaynes-Cummings model
MH Naderi, M Soltanolkotabi, R Roknizadeh
Eur. Phys. J. D 32, 397-408, 2004
Geometric approach to nonlinear coherent states using the Higgs model for harmonic oscillator
A Mahdifar, R Roknizadeh, MH Naderi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (22), 7003, 2006
Controllable generation of photons and phonons in a coupled Bose–Einstein condensate-optomechanical cavity via the parametric dynamical Casimir effect
A Motazedifard, A Dalafi, MH Naderi, R Roknizadeh
Annals of Physics 396, 202-219, 2018
Coherent states of a harmonic oscillator on a sphere in the motion of a trapped ion
A Mahdifar, W Vogel, T Richter, R Roknizadeh, MH Naderi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (6), 063814, 2008
Dynamical properties of a two-level atom in three variants of the two-photon q-deformed Jaynes–Cummings model
M H. Naderi, M Soltanolkotabi, R Roknizadeh
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 73 (9), 2413-2423, 2004
New photon-added and photon-depleted coherent states associated with inverse q-boson operators: nonclassical properties
MH Naderi, M Soltanolkotabi, R Roknizadeh
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (9), 3225, 2004
Dynamical Casimir effect of phonon excitation in the dispersive regime of cavity optomechanics
A Motazedifard, MH Naderi, R Roknizadeh
JOSA B 34 (3), 642-652, 2017
An analogue model for controllable Casimir radiation in a nonlinear cavity with amplitude-modulated pumping: Generation and quantum statistical properties
A Motazedifard, MH Naderi, R Roknizadeh
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, arXiv preprint arXiv:1505 …, 2015
Representations of coherent and squeezed states in a f-deformed Fock space
R Roknizadeh, MK Tavassoly
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (21), 5649, 2004
Q-deformed description of excitons and associated physical results
MB Harouni, R Roknizadeh, MH Naderi
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42 (9), 095501, 2009
Strong quadrature squeezing and quantum amplification in a coupled Bose–Einstein condensate—optomechanical cavity based on parametric modulation
A Motazedifard, A Dalafi, MH Naderi, R Roknizadeh
Annals of Physics 405, 202-219, 2019
Influence of phonons on exciton-photon interaction and photon statistics of a quantum dot
M Bagheri Harouni, R Roknizadeh, MH Naderi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (16), 165304, 2009
Spatial confinement effects on a quantum harmonic oscillator: nonlinear coherent state approach
MB Harouni, R Roknizadeh, MH Naderi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (4), 045403, 2008
Quantum correlations in optomechanical crystals
F Bemani, R Roknizadeh, A Motazedifard, MH Naderi, D Vitali
Physical Review A 99 (6), 063814, 2019
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Articles 1–20