Uvais Qidwai
Cited by
Cited by
Digital image processing: an algorithmic approach with MATLAB
U Qidwai, C Chen
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2009
Glandular morphometrics for objective grading of colorectal adenocarcinoma histology images
R Awan, K Sirinukunwattana, D Epstein, S Jefferyes, U Qidwai, Z Aftab, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 16852, 2017
A hybrid least squares-GA-based algorithm for harmonic estimation
M Bettayeb, U Qidwai
IEEE transactions on power delivery 18 (2), 377-382, 2003
Recursive estimation of power system harmonics
M Bettayeb, U Qidwai
Electric power systems research 47 (2), 143-152, 1998
Fuzzy logic: A “simple” solution for complexities in neurosciences?
SS Godil, MS Shamim, SA Enam, U Qidwai
Surgical neurology international 2, 2011
Binary image encoding using 1D chaotic maps
F Belkhouche, U Qidwai
Annual Technical Conference IEEE Region 5, 2003, 39-43, 2003
An evaluation of image‐based structural health monitoring using integrated unmanned aerial vehicle platform
MA Akbar, U Qidwai, MR Jahanshahi
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 26 (1), e2276, 2019
Humanoid robot as a teacher’s assistant: helping children with autism to learn social and academic skills
U Qidwai, SBA Kashem, O Conor
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 98 (3), 759-770, 2020
3D dynamic displacement-field measurement for structural health monitoring using inexpensive RGB-D based sensor
M Abdelbarr, YL Chen, MR Jahanshahi, SF Masri, WM Shen, UA Qidwai
Smart materials and structures 26 (12), 125016, 2017
How does hemodynamics affect rupture tissue mechanics in abdominal aortic aneurysm: Focus on wall shear stress derived parameters, time-averaged wall shear stress, oscillatory …
O Mutlu, HE Salman, H Al-Thani, A El-Menyar, UA Qidwai, HC Yalcin
Computers in biology and medicine 154, 106609, 2023
Reconfigurable swarm robots for structural health monitoring: a brief review
MR Jahanshahi, WM Shen, TG Mondal, M Abdelbarr, SF Masri, ...
International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications 1, 287-305, 2017
Artificial intelligence–based classification of diabetic peripheral neuropathy from corneal confocal microscopy images
T Salahouddin, IN Petropoulos, M Ferdousi, G Ponirakis, O Asghar, ...
Diabetes Care 44 (7), e151, 2021
Fuzzy Logic in neurosurgery: predicting poor outcomes after lumbar disk surgery in 501 consecutive patients
MS Shamim, SA Enam, U Qidwai
Surgical neurology 72 (6), 565-572, 2009
Fun to learn: Project-based learning in robotics for computer engineers
U Qidwai
ACM Inroads 2 (1), 42-45, 2011
The role of EEG and EMG combined virtual reality gaming system in facial palsy rehabilitation-A case report
U Qidwai, MS Ajimsha, M Shakir
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 23 (2), 425-431, 2019
Binary image transformation using two-dimensional chaotic maps
F Belkhouche, U Qidwai, I Gokcen, D Joachim
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2004
Machine learning techniques for detecting attackers during quantum key distribution in IoT networks with application to railway scenarios
HA Al-Mohammed, A Al-Ali, E Yaacoub, U Qidwai, K Abualsaud, ...
IEEE Access 9, 136994-137004, 2021
ANFIS-Net for automatic detection of COVID-19
A Al-Ali, O Elharrouss, U Qidwai, S Al-Maaddeed
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 17318, 2021
A novel system for scoring of hormone receptors in breast cancer histopathology slides
AM Khan, AF Mohammed, SA Al-Hajri, HM Al Shamari, U Qidwai, ...
2nd Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 155-158, 2014
Cranial reconstruction after decompressive craniectomy: prediction of complications using fuzzy logic
SS Godil, MS Shamim, SA Enam, U Qidwai, M Qadeer, ZA Sobani
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 22 (4), 1307-1311, 2011
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Articles 1–20