Heidy Maldonado, PhD
Cited by
Cited by
WILD for learning: Interacting through new computing devices anytime, anywhere
RD Pea, H Maldonado
The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences, 852-886, 2006
Relational vs. group self-construal: Untangling the role of national culture in HRI
V Evers, HC Maldonado, TL Brodecki, PJ Hinds
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE international conference on Human robot …, 2008
We learn better together: enhancing elearning with emotional characters
H Maldonado, JER Lee, S Brave, C Nass, H Nakajima, R Yamada, ...
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005, 408-417, 2017
Integrating co-design practices into the development of mobile science collaboratories
D Spikol, M Milrad, H Maldonado, R Pea
2009 ninth IEEE international conference on advanced learning technologies …, 2009
Toward cross-cultural believability in character design
H Maldonado, B Hayes-Roth
Agent Culture: Human-Agent Interaction in a Multicultural World, 143-175, 2004
LET's GO! to the Creek: Co-design of water quality inquiry using mobile science collaboratories
H Maldonado, RD Pea
2010 6th IEEE international conference on wireless, mobile, and ubiquitous …, 2010
Robots as new media: A cross-cultural examination of social and cognitive responses to robotic and on-screen agents
K Shinozawa, B Reeves, K Wise, S Lim, H Maldonado, F Naya
Proceedings of annual conference of internation communication association …, 2003
Designing for diversity: Multi-cultural characters for a multi-cultural world
B Hayes-Roth, H Maldonado, M Moraes
Proceedings of IMAGINA 207, 225, 2002
When is collaborating with friends a good idea? Insights from design education
H Maldonado, S Klemmer, R Pea
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2009
Patterns of Collaboration in Design Courses: Team dynamics affect technology appropriation, artifact creation, and course performance
H Maldonado, B Lee, S Klemmer
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc., 2007
The role of affect and sociality in the agent-based collaborative learning system
Y Morishima, H Nakajima, S Brave, R Yamada, H Maldonado, C Nass, ...
Affective Dialogue Systems: Tutorial and Research Workshop, ADS 2004 …, 2004
Technology for design education: a case study
H Maldonado, B Lee, S Klemmer
CHI'06 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1067-1072, 2006
Functioning in the wireless classroom
SV Goldman, R Pea, H Maldonado, L Martin, T White
The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in …, 2004
Social intelligence in a human-machine collaboration system
H Nakajima, Y Morishima, R Yamada, S Brave, H Maldonado, C Nass, ...
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 19 (3), 184-196, 2004
Tigrito: A multi-mode interactive improvisational agent
H Maldonado, A Picard, P Doyle, B Hayes-Roth
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Intelligent user …, 1998
Learning and Technological Designs for Mobile Science Inquiry collaboratories
D Pea, R. D., Milrad, M., Maldonado, H., Vogel, B
Orchestrating Inquiry Learning, 105-127, 2012
Emotive characters can make learning more productive and enjoyable: it takes two to learn to tango
H Maldonado, C Nass
Educational Technology, 33-38, 2007
Designing Tangible ABCs: Fröbel's Sticks and Rings for the 21st Century
H Maldonado, A Zekelman
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design …, 2019
Robots versus on-screen agents: Effects on social and emotional responses
B Reeves, K Wise, H Maldonado, K Kogure, K Shinozawa, F Naya
CHI 2003, 2003
Emerging social engineering in the wireless classroom
S Goldman, R Pea, H Maldonado
Embracing Diversity in the Learning Sciences, 222-229, 2012
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Articles 1–20