Narasimhan S.V
Narasimhan S.V
Emaritus Scientist, CSIR-NAL
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Introduction to wavelet transform: a signal processing approach
SV Narasimhan, N Basumallick, S Veena
Alpha Science International, Ltd, 2011
Estimation of evolutionary spectrum based on short time Fourier transform and modified group delay
SV Narasimhan, S Pavanalatha
Signal Processing 84 (11), 2139-2152, 2004
Application of LMS adaptive predictive filtering for muscle artifact (noise) cancellation from EEG signals
SV Narasimhan, DN Dutt
Computers & electrical engineering 22 (1), 13-30, 1996
Improved active noise control performance based on Laguerre lattice
S Veena, SV Narasimhan
Signal Processing 84 (4), 695-707, 2004
Variable step-size Griffiths’ algorithm for improved performance of feedforward/feedback active noise control
SV Narasimhan, S Veena, H Lokesha
Signal, image and video processing 4, 309-317, 2010
Discrete cosine harmonic wavelet transform and its application to signal compression and subband spectral estimation using modified group delay
SV Narasimhan, M Harish, AR Haripriya, N Basumallick
Signal, Image and Video Processing 3, 85-99, 2009
Signal processing: principles and implementation
SV Narasimhan, S Veena
Alpha Science Int'l Ltd., 2005
Spectral estimation based on discrete cosine transform and modified group delay
SV Narasimhan, M Harish
Signal Processing 86 (7), 1586-1596, 2006
Improved Wigner–Ville distribution performance by signal decomposition and modified group delay
SV Narasimhan, MB Nayak
Signal Processing 83 (12), 2523-2538, 2003
S-transform based on analytic discrete cosine transform for time–frequency analysis
S Roopa, SV Narasimhan
Signal processing 105, 207-215, 2014
Channel blind identification based on cyclostationarity and group delay
SV Narasimhan, M Hazarathaiah, PVS Giridhar
Signal Processing 85 (7), 1275-1286, 2005
New unbiased adaptive IIR filter: it’s robust and variable step-size versions and application to active noise control
SV Narasimhan, S Veena
Signal, Image and Video Processing 7, 197-207, 2013
Improved Wigner–Ville distribution performance based on DCT/DFT harmonic wavelet transform and modified magnitude group delay
SV Narasimhan, AR Haripriya, BKS Kumar
Signal Processing 88 (1), 1-18, 2008
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing peak‐to‐average power ratio reduction by best tree selection using coded discrete cosine harmonic wavelet packet transform
MN Suma, SV Narasimhan, B Kanmani
IET communications 8 (11), 1875-1882, 2014
A discrete cosine adaptive harmonic wavelet packet and its application to signal compression
N Basumallick, SV Narasimhan
Journal of Signal and Information Processing 1 (1), 63-76, 2010
Laguerre escalator lattice and feedforward/feedback active noise control
S Veena, SV Narasimhan
Signal processing 87 (4), 725-738, 2007
Power spectrum estimation of complex signals and its application to Wigner-Ville distribution: A group delay approach
SV Narasimhan, EI Plotkin, MNS Swamy
Sadhana 23, 57-71, 1998
Feedback active noise control based on forward–backward LMS predictor
S Pavithra, SV Narasimhan
Signal, Image and Video Processing 7, 1083-1091, 2013
Power spectrum estimation of complex signals: group delay approach
SV Narasimhan, EI Plotkin, MNS Swamy
Electronics Letters 35 (25), 2182-2184, 1999
Invited paper Application of the least mean fourth (LMF) adaptive algorithm to signals associated with gaussian noise
SV Narasimhan
International Journal of Electronics Theoretical and Experimental 62 (6 …, 1987
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Articles 1–20