Yehia Elkhatib
Cited by
Cited by
Unsupervised Machine Learning for Networking: Techniques, Applications and Research Challenges
M Usama, J Qadir, A Raza, H Arif, KLA Yau, Y Elkhatib, A Hussain, ...
IEEE Access, 2019
Towards Network-wide QoE Fairness using OpenFlow-assisted Adaptive Video Streaming
P Georgopoulos, Y Elkhatib, M Broadbent, Mu, Mu, N Race
Future Human-Centric Multimedia Networking (FhMN), 2013
A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review
JP Tennant, JM Dugan, D Graziotin, DC Jacques, F Waldner, D Mietchen, ...
F1000Research 6, 2017
Web technologies for environmental big data
C Vitolo, Y Elkhatib, D Reusser, CJA Macleod, W Buytaert
Environmental Modelling & Software 63, 185-198, 2015
A trace-driven analysis of caching in content-centric networks
G Tyson, S Kaune, S Miles, Y Elkhatib, A Mauthe, A Taweel
ICCCN, 2012
Adaptive Deep Learning Model Selection on Embedded Systems
B Taylor, V Sanz Marco, W Wolff, Y Elkhatib, Z Wang
LCTES, 2018
On Using Micro-Clouds to Deliver the Fog
Y Elkhatib, B Porter, H Ribeiro, M Faten Zhani, J Qadir, E Rivière
IEEE Internet Computing, 2017
Research challenges in nextgen service orchestration
LM Vaquero, F Cuadrado, Y Elkhatib, J Bernal-Bernabe, SN Srirama, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 90, 20-38, 2019
Can SPDY Really Make the Web Faster?
Y Elkhatib, G Tyson, M Welzl
IFIP Networking, 2014
Optimizing deep learning inference on embedded systems through adaptive model selection
VS Marco, B Taylor, Z Wang, Y Elkhatib
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 19 (1), 1-28, 2020
Cloud Brokerage: A Systematic Survey
A Elhabbash, F Samreen, J Hadley, Y Elkhatib
ACM Computing Surveys 51 (6), 2019
Daleel: simplifying cloud instance selection using machine learning
F Samreen, Y Elkhatib, M Rowe, GS Blair
NOMS, 2016
Demystifying Porn 2.0: A look into a major adult video streaming website
G Tyson, Y Elkhatib, N Sastry, S Uhlig
IMC, 2013
Securing Machine Learning in the Cloud: A Systematic Review of Cloud Machine Learning Security
A Qayyum, A Ijaz, M Usama, W Iqbal, J Qadir, Y Elkhatib, A Al-Fuqaha
Frontiers in Big Data, 2020
Mapping cross-cloud systems: challenges and opportunities
Y Elkhatib
HotCloud, 2016
IoTNetSim: A Modelling and Simulation Platform for End-to-End IoT Services and Networking
M Salama, Y Elkhatib, G Blair
UCC, 251-261, 2019
Holons: Towards a systematic approach to composing systems of systems
G Blair, YD Bromberg, G Coulson, Y Elkhatib, L Réveillère, HB Ribeiro, ...
Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM), 2015
Cloud Futurology
B Varghese, P Leitner, S Ray, K Chard, A Barker, Y Elkhatib, H Herry, ...
IEEE Computing, 2019
Charting an Intent Driven Network
Y Elkhatib, G Tyson, G Coulson
CNSM, 2017
Price and Performance of Cloud-hosted Virtual Network Functions: Analysis and Future Challenges
N Ghrada, MF Zhani, Y Elkhatib
PVE-SDN, 2018
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Articles 1–20